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Cancer forecast for Thursday June 13, 2024

Updated: 7 hours ago
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It's hardly surprising you're feeling frustrated. Despite your best efforts to explain why something needs to be done to sort out an unsatisfactory situation, no one's taking any notice. You feel like you're going round in ever-decreasing circles. People look as if they're listening, yet nothing seems to change. Should you keep trying? Yes. Today's cosmic climate enhances your communication skills and reboots your enthusiasm. If you reiterate your suggestions, you'll inspire someone to do what you need to be done.

Oh, by the way, your full birth chart, calculated from your date of birth will tell you far more about what's in store and how to make it work for you. Click here!

June 12, 2024

The weather is a universal talking point. Even in places where the sunshine levels don't vary, people discuss it. Human communication doesn't need to be deep and meaningful. It just needs to happen! If we're exchanging words, we're relating. And since we're social creatures, it fulfills a fundamental need. Once a conversation has begun, it has the potential to deepen. Today brings an opportunity to learn something important. Since it's likely to come from an unexpected source, keep your communication channels open.

June 11, 2024

When people behave inappropriately, it's easy to jump to conclusions about why they're acting in a particular way. There might be a perfectly rational explanation, but we don't think about their back stories. Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes today. There are good reasons why they feel what they feel and want what they want. And arguing against them is going to waste your time. If you want to influence their thoughts/behaviour try being sensitive to their ideas. You'll be able to move things forwards surprisingly easily.

June 10, 2024

Another day with more problems in store? No! Another day filled with opportunities! Although you're dealing with complex issues, today brings a chance to deal with them differently. You don't need to keep playing out the same old drama. A beneficial change, which involves a conversation with someone who has the same outlook as you, will lead to a change in the way you feel about a challenging situation. Today, you can lay the foundations for a more successful, brighter tomorrow. This process starts with a heartfelt sharing.

June 09, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We seem to be fascinated by photos of celebs doing their shopping. For some reason, we're surprised to see them doing 'normal' things like we do. Yet, unless they've got hugely inflated egos, their fame is just one aspect of their lives; the rest of the time, they don't think they're more (or less) special than us. So... how special are you feeling? You might not think of yourself as being amazing and worthy of attention. But you are. This week brings recognition of your generous nature. If it boosts your ego, good. You deserve it.

June 08, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: The greatest ideas are simple. When they pop into our minds, they seem so obvious we can't understand why we didn't think of them before. But they seem to choose their moment to arrive. Maybe, we've been too busy. Or so caught up in complicated plans that we didn't have enough space for them to enter our thoughts. If you can't quite see what you need to see, keep looking. Don't be distracted by other people's opinions this week. If you stay calm and collected, the right solution will arrive. And it will instantly make sense.

June 07, 2024

Are you turning an upcoming situation over and over in your mind? Haven't you already run through the potential problems and possibilities? What's happening, is you're becoming aware of other options. Although experience teaches us a lot, it doesn't always help us make perfect choices. And just because a situation reminds us of something from the past doesn't mean we can accurately predict what's going to unfold. This weekend, if you look at an old idea from a different angle, you'll make a surprisingly exciting discovery.