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Gemini forecast for Saturday June 01, 2024

Updated: 3 hours ago
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Your June Monthly Horoscope: The Solstice month offers a different way of looking at the problems in your world. That obstacle that seems to be insurmountable? It's not as solid as it looks. Which means you're not going to collide with anything difficult. In fact, when you get close to the brick wall, you'll realise that it's just a drawing on a thin piece of paper, and that you can burst through it with style. Once you're out the other side, you'll see a road ahead that leads towards a brighter future. From here on in, there are improvements on their way. Bon voyage!

Reveal the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

May 31, 2024

Sometimes, even Geminis don't know what to say. Or rather, you know what you want to say, but keep running it over in your mind (and not saying it). Yet the message you want to convey doesn't need to be perfectly formulated. Even if you rehearse it, it won't sound the same when the words come out. So why not take the pressure off and speak from your heart? You can anticipate someone's response; but you can't control it. If you communicate, you'll pave the way for an enlightening conversation this weekend.

May 30, 2024

Our priorities change. Our situations alter. And the strategies we've created to deal with our circumstances have to be reconsidered and adapted. But I'm not telling you anything you don't know! As a quick-thinking Gemini, you're aware of the need to grow and experiment. You thrive on change and adventure. And when surprises come along you see them as opportunities to do something excitingly different. The change that's happening in your world involves your emotions. It might feel a bit unnerving. But it's going to be good.

May 29, 2024

If we all understood one another, all the time, life would be dull. Misunderstandings might not be fun, but they're a key part of our experience; finding ways to negotiate around areas of confusion increases our awareness of how other folk think. Today brings a revelation about a key person in your world. It might discombobulate you. But you're an open-minded Gemini. And if you add this information to what you already know, it will provide you with insight and understanding. This is a gift, that will add depth to your relationship.

May 28, 2024

It is almost as if you're under a spell. You're so intrigued by something (or someone) that you're finding it hard to concentrate on anything else. So, what's captivating your attention? Is it worth investing this amount of time and energy? Aren't you meant to be concentrating on other, more mundane things? With exciting Jupiter in your sign, be careful that you're not pursuing something that just looks appealing. With the cosmic energy (and opportunities available), make sure you're focusing on a genuinely rewarding possibility.

May 27, 2024

Now that Jupiter has joined Venus in your sign, it's time to assess how you're feeling. If you're not sure yet, you soon will be. Your intuition is being heightened. Which is why you're experiencing such profound emotions. This process is bound to lead to self-questioning, and the reexamining of your needs and desires. But just because you're in a period of transition doesn't mean you have to take urgent action. Today brings a chance to express yourself; and someone who will support you along this road towards positive change.

May 26, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We're impressed by size. From individual shops, to 'super'markets, to 'mega'stores, the idea that things are expanding appeals to us. We might know that size isn't everything, but nevertheless, we find big things exciting. With expansive Jupiter heading into your sign, you need to get ready for big things to be happening in your world. Since it's the planet of luck, the 'bigness' involves broadening your horizons. In your relationship world, creative new relationships open the door to exciting possibilities, with impressive results!