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Libra forecast for Thursday June 13, 2024

Updated: 7 hours ago
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We're not supposed to let our imagination run away with us. But there's no point letting it run away on its own! And as a creative Libran, you need to find ways to work with yours in a balanced way. In an ideal world, you'd be able to access it when you needed it, and dismiss it when it started to confuse your view of reality. Yours is currently suggesting that something unlikely is possible. Is that true? It depends how much effort you're willing to apply. If you're ready, and prepared to make changes, a 'crazy' idea is worth pursuing.

The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!

June 12, 2024

The first time we do something it's a new experience. The second time, it becomes a pattern. The third, a habit. And when we've lost count, it's an addiction. Obviously, it's not quite that simple (but you get my drift). And some addictions can be positive. What is bad, is when we don't want to break out of entrenched routines. Today brings a chance to explore a new possibility. Don't think about why it might be problematic. Instead, think about the advantages it could bring. You can introduce an inspiring routine into your life.

June 11, 2024

Sometimes, when we're looking for something, it turns out to be hiding in plain sight. We've been hunting high and low, while it's been waiting, just under our nose, to be discovered. It's hard to believe we've wasted so much time and energy. There are also, of course, times when it's entirely appropriate to search far and wide for something. It shows determination. Today, since you need to devote your time and energy to progressing with a project, be grateful that what you're looking for is going to be easier to find than you think.

June 10, 2024

You've had a realisation about yourself and your future, which is making it hard to deal with your usual day-to-day world. How can you continue in the same old way? Well... to a certain extent you can (and must) carry on. The change won't happen overnight. Your task is to start working towards a different goal - which involves taking small steps in a new direction. If that sounds scary, don't panic! Be prepared to think new thoughts. And make small changes to your routine. That's enough to start the ball rolling in the right direction.

June 09, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: 'If at first you don't succeed...' Well, we know what we're supposed to do. But suppose we don't feel like doing it? Suppose we want to sulk and feel as if nothing's going to go right for us ever again? It's an option of course! This week, if you're not making as much progress as you'd like, keep trying. With Mars settling into a new sector of the sky, by making a minor adjustment to your plans, and continuing to strive for a goal that means a lot, you'll make progress. And if it's an emotional goal, the gain will be well worth your efforts.

June 08, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Just as two wrongs don't make a right, two crazy ideas don't create a sensible plan. With someone in your world behaving ridiculously (and getting away with it), you're tempted to cut corners and behave in an uncharacteristically irresponsible way. But just as they'll eventually get their comeuppance, so would you. And there's a much better 'wild side' to walk on. It involves continuing to do your best. As Mars changes signs, if you focus on doing the 'right thing', you'll find hidden pleasures (and treasures) to reward your efforts.

June 07, 2024

Think about what you want to accomplish. Picture what needs to happen to make your life more fulfilling. What would constitute a real success? Now, hold that thought and let's look at the possibilities the weekend brings. Can you start manifesting it? If you're determined, and prepared to put in the effort, you can fan a spark of opportunity into a flame of triumph. And if you can't see anything to get excited about, keep looking. If you share your ideas, you'll find someone who has a key to a doorway you need to go through.