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'I still want to look like me': Natural beauty Diane Kruger talks tips with HELLO!

July 9, 2012
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She first came to the public's attention portraying legendary beauty Helen of Troy and regularly tops best-dressed lists – despite never using a stylist. Former model Diane Kruger, 35, is the face of the perfume Calvin Klein Beauty, friends with Karl Lagerfeld and even does her own make-up for photoshoots and red carpet appearances.


So who better to talk fashion, fragrance and favourite beauty fixes with HELLO? You always look great on the red carpet, but few actresses would have the expertise or the confidence to do their own make-up when they know the world is watching. What is the appeal? "It’s because I feel that less is more, especially on the red carpet. I used to have my make-up done, but I would look at pictures and not recognise myself. I want to look like myself. Even though it’s a special occasion, I still want to look like me; I don’t want to be this done-up doll. I think that too much make-up takes away from your individuality. Luckily, I love make-up and I used to model, so I feel confident doing it myself." So what's in your make-up bag? You know, for someone who doesn’t wear a lot of make-up, I own an obscene amount of the stuff. I am always trying new products and doing photoshoots and I love to experiment and try new colours. But the one thing I always travel with is my concealer. No matter what I do – whether it’s playing up my eyes or creating a bold lip – the skin is the most important thing. It has to look flawless and have an even tone." You have an advantage there, though, as you have great skin. What's your secret? "When I moved to L.A. I noticed that the sun was so much hotter than I was used to and I started to get a few sun spots. So I went to a dermatologist who advised me never to go out without wearing SPF. And I always use the same moisturiser, Roselaine d'Uriage. You can't get it in the U.S., so it's one of the products I stock up on when I'm in France at the pharmacy." Any other top tips? "I try to get nine hours' sleep a night – it's really that simple. Of course, it's hard to do sometimes, especially when I am working, but I feel and look better when I sleep well. I also noticed a great improvement in my skin when I gave up smoking. There are no secret potions though." Who is your beauty icon? "I have always liked interesting people. I trained originally as a ballet dancer so I have always admired the simple elegance of the ballerina, the refined features and serenity, and hair pulled back into a bun. I like a simple, clean look rather than elaborate beauty. Grace Kelly inspires me." Do you still dance to stay in shape? "No, I only dance when I go out. For exercise, I tend to like the outdoors. In Paris, I rent a bike in the street and cycle around, and in L.A. I live up in the hills so I go hiking a lot. I like to stay fit by being generally active."

Can you eat whatever you like? "I do watch what I eat, but not for weight reasons. It will sound really pretentious, but when I am really busy I forget to eat. I feel like I am a little skinny right now because I have just finished a movie and have been flying lots. I try to avoid all processed foods, too."