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Kim Kardashian reveals her biggest beauty regret

April 7, 2016
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These days she never looks anything less than flawless, but Kim Kardashian admits she wasn't always perfect. The reality TV star has revealed her biggest beauty regret; removing one of her former 'flaws'.Writing on her website, Kim, 35, confessed to previously having laser hair removal to tidy up her forehead – but now wishes she hadn't.

Kim Kardashian always looks perfect

Kim said: "I lasered off my baby hairs years ago, because my forehead had all these little baby hairs, and I would always break out because of them. "I also lasered my neck because I had such a hairy neck. Every photographer would Photoshop them out anyway, and I thought I looked better without the baby hairs, but now I miss them. "One beauty tip we're sure Kim raves about is sandbagging – a technique used to achieve long-lasting, smudge-resistant lipstick. Kim's make-up artist Mario Dedivanovic took to Instagram recently to share a video of him sandbagging Kim, which involves sweeping powder across her lips and cheeks before applying a colour.

And she regrets having laser hair removal in the past

As well as giving the lipstick longevity, the technique is also said to stop the colour smudging when being applied.

Interestingly sandbagging has become the latest big beauty craze, with make-up fans around the eyes and on the cheeks. And the best part is it doesn't require a ridiculously expensive product.

All you need is some loose powder, a sponge and a brush. But be generous with the powder and ensure a thick coating before applying make-up, and your look should stay perfect all day.


Similar to sandbagging is the baking technique, which involves covering your face in a thick coat of power after putting on make-up. This is said to allow the natural heat from your face to 'cook' the make-up, giving it extra staying power.

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