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Your daily horoscope Friday June 14, 2024

Your daily horoscope
Updated: 17 hours ago
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It's Trump and Che Guevara's birthday! It makes you wonder how people from opposite ends of the political spectrum can share something so fundamental! But astrology teaches us that we always have choice. As free-spirits we're able to choose how we work with the celestial energies... which affects our personalities and the way we interact with the world. This weekend, as the Sun converges with Mercury, the planets encourage us to speak our minds in ways that nurture truth and collaboration.

As human beings, we too often look to the outside world to make us happy. And, it's true, we need food, water, shelter to live. But, perhaps, looking for light at thAe end of the tunnel, we distract ourselves from looking for our own inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather. Find that inner light in your 'Guide to the Future'.


Suppose someone has information they want to share with you? The problem is that they know you need to hear it, but they also know you'd prefer not to have to deal with it. Imagine how they'd struggle to start the conversation? But the reality is that even if you weren't pleased with the news, you'd be grateful to be fully in the picture. Now... that message you're reluctant to convey. You'd prefer not to have to say anything. But the responsibility is yours. If you communicate with sensitivity, it will go better than you think.


Kindness never gets wasted. Even if we find ourselves dealing with challenging situations, when someone's behaving in an antagonistic way being cold and mean just adds fuel to the fire. Being kind doesn't mean being doormat-like. There are times when we can be gentle and still stand our ground. And there are times when we have to be cruel to be kind. This weekend, be as compassionate and tolerant as you can be. Then, draw a line. And don't go beyond it. You can help someone. But not to your own detriment.


If you need to take on a role this weekend, throw yourself into the part. You're not going to be convincing unless you believe in yourself. Live the part you're playing. Breathe it. If you give it everything you've got, you'll realise that you've got what it takes. With faith and determination, you can achieve anything you want to achieve. But your confidence needs to be based on what you know, in your heart, to be the right thing to do. So tune into your intuition, and allow yourself to be inspired. Then, amazing things can happen.


When things don't work out as we'd planned, it's easy to think we've failed. Yet the true definition of failure is when we stop trying. As long as there's a glimmer of hope, and a degree of determination, there's a chance that something positive will unfold. This weekend, if you run out of steam, give yourself a well-deserved break. If you remind yourself why you were so inspired, it won't take long for you to recover your enthusiasm. The Sun/Mercury link indicates that with a positive attitude, you can make tangible progress.


From geese that lay golden eggs, to gigantic beanstalks, to pots producing endless porridge, many fairytales are based on themes of abundance. Sadly, we don't experience such luxury with our material resources. But when it comes to emotions, we've got a limitless supply. The more love we feel, the more we experience. The more faith we have, the more we get. Do negative feelings have the same replenishing qualities? No! As you'll see this weekend, if you're loving, you can change a negative situation into a story with a happy ending.


We don't need to speak the same language to share an emotion. With a glance, or a grimace, we can communicate more in a second than we can in a conversation. Some things don't need words. Human communication happens on lots of different levels; not all of which are conscious. As the Sun links with your ruler, you can use your natural skills to transform a difficult situation. By tapping into your intuition, you can manifest an energy that encourages collaboration. And by working as a team, a challenge can become inspiring.


Lots of people are good at saying the right thing. Unfortunately, just because they say it doesn't mean they'll do it. Sometimes, they do the exact opposite. And no one seems to notice. Why is this? We tend to gauge people based on what we hear (rather than what we see). Even if what's happening doesn't match our expectations we go along with any explanation; as long as it fits what we want to believe, we accept it. This weekend you've got the insight to see the reality of a delicate situation. If it feels right, trust it.


It's good when we're able to face life's challenges with a smile. But smiling at other people's difficulties is risky; it doesn't tend to go down well. This weekend, be as sympathetic as you can be. But inside, stay strong and upbeat. What unfolds might not be what someone thinks they want. It might not be what you think they want! But that doesn't mean it's bad. If you're gently optimistic, you can help them find a way to transform a problem into a strength. From there, they can build the foundations for a brighter road forwards.


You're a smart Sagittarian. You're bright enough to realise that IQ only measures one aspect of intelligence. You know that emotional astuteness is a gift. Since yours is being supercharged this weekend, you can use it to address an ongoing, tedious problem that you've been too bored to deal with. When you close your mind to one thing, it's hard for it to work effectively on others. If you choose to look at the emotive issue you've been avoiding, you'll see it's relatively easy to deal with. And once it's done, you'll feel great.


Kids don't grow at a steady rate. They go through growth spurts. One moment their clothes fit. The next, they need bigger ones. Luckily, adults don't tend to need to buy new outfits because of sudden changes of size (although the effect of pizza on my waistline challenges this premise!). Yet we still have the potential to grow, in a good way. We're able to review our attitudes, and stretch our capacity to understand more about people and life. This weekend, if you shed an old opinion, you'll make space for an idea that fits perfectly.


It's not easy to articulate a belief or an emotion. When we're expressing something that means a lot, we want our words to come out 'right'. The weekend brings clarity of thought and the confidence to express yourself. But remember, just because you know how you feel doesn't mean others share your views. Still, if you set an example, and are willing to communicate, you'll be guaranteed to get a response that will encourage you to continue speaking from your heart. And that can only lead to a positive outcome.


As kids, we're taught that if we want people to like us, we mustn't brag or show off. But as adults, it's hard to have influence if we pretend to have low self-esteem. The best way to develop relationships is to be sensitive to people's needs, and to value ourselves. But that's not news to you; your empathy makes you a natural 'people person'. There's no need to hide your talents this weekend. As long as you take other folk's needs into consideration, you'll be able to take advantage of an opportunity to deepen a special connection.