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Capricorn forecast for Saturday May 18, 2024

Updated: 13 hours ago
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Your Weekly Horoscope: Under these powerful skies, even if you can't work miracles, you'll be reminded of a previous miraculous turn of events. And you can use the same protocol to effect positive change in your current world. That problem you want to solve? It's smaller than it looks. The issue is that you're underestimating your ability to influence its outcome. But if you remember times in the past when surprising opportunities popped up, and relate your situation to those moments, you'll be able to access the power to create positive, lasting change.

Picture this: You wake up on a sunny morning, and as you step into your kitchen, you're greeted by the irresistible aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sight of a bountiful breakfast spread. That's the energy Venus and Jupiter are bringing into your home. Learn More.

May 17, 2024

You're not afraid of hard work. But even determined Capricorns know that hard work alone doesn't guarantee success. Self-belief is a valuable asset too. But even though you have these qualities, if your judgement isn't good, you know you won't get very far. This weekend, as Venus (love and creativity), converges with innovative Uranus, it brings insight and objectivity. Your recent efforts weren't in vain. Your trust was well-placed. Your sense of purpose is justified. And when the right chances arise, you'll recognise them.

May 16, 2024

Whether it's playing an instrument, or doing a Sudoku, we get good at what we practice. Which means we must all be very good at sleeping! Unless of course (like me) we're not very good at that. Which must mean we get good at not sleeping (which isn't so good). Some of our less-than-desirable habit patterns need to be replaced with other/better patterns that will (hopefully) turn into good habits. As Mars moves to meet Jupiter, it brings a chance to reflect on your established routine. If you need to instigate change, you can!

May 15, 2024

Should you be focusing on the journey or the destination? You probably know the answer you're 'supposed' to give; it's something along the lines of 'the journey is the destination'. Which is fine... unless you happen to be on a pleasant amble that doesn't go anywhere. In which case, it might be better to be on a difficult route that leads somewhere delightful! There's more than one way to get to where you want to go. And you've got a choice to make about which road to take. Trust your intuition. It knows the best path to follow.

May 14, 2024

Nurture a spirit of collaboration today. Communicate calmly and clearly. If you see any signs of conflict, use your skills to promote peace. In the legacy of the planet of love's link with your ruler, Saturn, you can afford to stand back and concede to other people's demands. You're being blessed with creative energy that can be employed in a variety of ways. Positive possibilities are presenting themselves. And what could be better than taking friends on this journey with you? Your relationships will benefit from your success.

May 13, 2024

Some days are good days. Some aren't so good. And sometimes, we think the day ahead is going to be difficult, but it turns out to be less challenging than we thought. Today though, doesn't fit into any of these categories. It has the potential to be a day you won't forget (for the right reasons). As Venus (planet of love) links to your ruler, Saturn, although there's no surefire guarantee that everything will go perfectly, whatever you do you'll experience a degree of emotional satisfaction that you can build on in the days to come.

May 12, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Some people live by the old maxim, 'once bitten, twice shy.' If they experience anything that goes wrong, they go out of their way to avoid repeating the mistake. But is it a good philosophy to follow? You're a resilient, determined Capricorn. You're more of an 'if at first you don't succeed, try again' kind of person. If you apply the latter attitude to your emotional world this week, not only will you learn a positive lesson about the value of patience, you'll be rewarded with a response that makes your heart sing. Keep going... and trust.