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Your daily horoscope Tuesday June 18, 2024

Your daily horoscope
Updated: 5 hours ago
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Happy birthday Sir Paul McCartney! As a bass guitar player, his style is iconic. But it's not just craftsmanship that makes those songs special; they've become autobiographical markers that remind us of important moments in our own lives. As Venus (love) and Mercury (intellect) link, they encourage us to express our feelings. With the Solstice approaching, by finding ways to express our appreciation, we can encourage others to join in. In our own way, we can all make music today.

If life is pre-programmed, where's the manual? How do you find out what's supposed to be happening, right here, right now? And if you don't like the look of it, how do you mitigate or modify it? These answers and many more, are all in your 'Personal Guide to the Future'. To learn more, click here.


Some people are great at giving speeches without looking at their notes. Which makes their words easier to engage with. But in order to express themselves spontaneously, they need to have worked out what they want to say and be clear about the points they want to get across. Which takes forethought. As with speeches, so with plans. As long as you know the outline of what you want to accomplish you don't need an exact schedule. If you relax and allow things to unfold, you can be confident that all will go well.


In regards to the aspects of your current situation that are challenging, if there's something you can do to change them, go for it. But if you can't see a way to guarantee progress, be patient. Accept that things are the way they are. And trust. By the time the Solstice arrives, not only will you be clearer, you'll have the tools you require. Yes, having limited resources is frustrating. But if you see this time of inaction as a way of preventing you from making a wrong decision, you'll be able to bide your time with a feeling of positivity.


Even though we've got more chance of winning an Oscar than winning the jackpot, we still buy lottery tickets. So why do we bother? Maybe, it's because we win the chance to dream. With Jupiter in your sign, you can benefit from luck right now. But before you dash out to buy a ticket, the kind of good fortune coming your way is focused on a more practical opportunity. Can you see what that is yet? If you feel you know, follow your instincts. And if you're not sure, wait. The Solstice will make your best option unequivocally obvious.


We're lucky enough to believe that (within limits) we're free to do what we want. But even though true freedom sounds good in theory, in practice, we want to be able to choose when we want to be free and when we prefer not to be! Sometimes limitations are helpful. They make us feel safe and secure. With Venus and Mercury in your sign, you're questioning your routines and traditions. Do you need to be tied to them? Before you instigate any changes, just make sure you don't secretly enjoy some of your obligations.


Just because 'what goes up must come down' doesn't mean the rate of descent always occurs at the same speed. And while 'nothing lasts forever', we can't live our lives expecting things to come to a crashing end. If you're worrying about the durability of a good thing in your life, stop. The end isn't in sight. And you're wrong to assume that when/if it happens it will be painful. As the Solstice approaches, you've got more control over your emotional world than you think. And the power to influence it so that it continues to bring joy.


We enjoy exciting stories. We'd rather listen to someone talking about a fiery disagreement than hear them explaining how they carefully negotiated a compromise. Yet just because patience, understanding and consideration aren't particularly interesting doesn't mean they're not great qualities; actually, when we prioritise them, we lead happier lives. As Venus (love) links with your ruler, Mercury, today, don't waste your energy thinking about what sounds good. Focus on what you know to be good. And do it!


Boundaries are important. So are rules and regulations. Without them we feel less secure; they help us know what's expected of us. But in order to work with them, we need to know what they are. If they're constantly shifting, we don't know what we're meant to do, how we're supposed to think, or what we're allowed to expect. Yet there's a balance. If we're overly aware of restrictions, our imagination is inhibited. As your ruler links to Mercury, focus on what might be possible (not what seems to be blocking your progress).


Social media is full of solutions to problems we don't have. Or maybe we do have them, but it's only when we're inundated with information about how to deal with them that we start wondering whether we need to take action to address them. Wrinkles, and miraculous weight-loss products spring to mind! So, let's look at your current source of worry. How realistic is it? Where did it come from? Do you need to be focusing on it? Today brings an answer to a question that enables you to banish an unnecessary concern.


You're an insightful soul. So, here's a question: what kind of mood is the creative force at the heart of the cosmos in today? And how is it feeling about you? Personally, I doubt it experiences the same kind of emotional ups and downs as we do. Nor do I think it's closely watching our individual actions with the idea of rewarding or punishing us. No. That doesn't sound like an enlightened, loving way of being. So shake off the idea you're being penalised for something. You're not. If you think positive thoughts, you'll have a great day.


Have you heard the story about the person who had so many precious possessions that they locked them away in a room? To ensure no one touched them, they put a notice on the door warning people not to enter without permission. Then, they went out for a long walk. When they returned, they saw the notice and, since no one was around to give them permission, the door stayed closed to them and those priceless objects remained hidden from their view. Don't be restricted by a rule you've invented today. You're free to break it.


Progress doesn't only depend on how much effort we invest. To move forwards, we need to be willing to move on from whatever holds us back. It's like driving a car. You can step on the accelerator - but if your foot's on the brake you won't go anywhere. The issue is that it's not always easy to let go of what's familiar. Sometimes, we're strongly attached to things that prevent us from moving on. The coming Solstice gives you the courage to put down something you're clinging to. If you need it, it will adapt, and catch you up.


Wouldn't it be great to be able to detach from your emotions and feel ambivalent about everyone and everything? Some people seem to manage not to care. They seem to get on with their lives without worrying about anyone else's troubles. But that's not your MO. So you might as well accept that you can't remove yourself from a situation that's upsetting you. But just because you're emotionally invested doesn't mean you can't step back. And as Venus links with Mercury, if you do that, you'll see what you gain from your involvement.