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Gemini forecast for Sunday May 05, 2024

Updated: 11 hours ago
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Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You're a negotiator, a truth-seeker; optimistic yet pragmatic. With so many unusual talents, it's no wonder people find it hard to get to know the 'real' you. But those who make the effort find themselves in the company of someone special. The truth is that you know the world is far from ideal. And your awareness of life's inevitable ups and downs enhances your ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Which means you're more than capable of sorting out a hiccup in your relationship world. And transforming a negative into a positive.

Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.

May 04, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Anxiety, according to the experts, is looking ahead and predicting a bad outcome. Surely, if it's that simple we should be able to stop ourselves from stressing! But we find it hard to take situations moment by moment. And when we project our fears and concerns onto whatever's unfolding in our lives the future can look scary. This week, rather than worrying about something that hasn't happened, make space for a stroke of luck to enter your world. You need to be in the mood to embrace the positive change the New Moon brings.

May 03, 2024

How are we meant to tell heroes from villains? Old films did the work for us. The costume designers made it crystal clear. The 'good' characters were dressed in white; the 'bad' ones in black. It would be easy if these reductive binaries worked in real life. But we don't wear our intentions on our sleeves. And goodness manifests in many different ways. Don't jump to conclusions this weekend. Your expectations could do with some revision too. If you go beyond first impressions, you'll make a connection that enhances your life.

May 02, 2024

As the rollercoaster of life takes us through ups and downs, there are times when we feel out of control. Right now, your trajectory feels anything but upright and stable. The highs and lows are tricky to navigate. Yet although you'd be calmer if things were running on a smoother track, the high-adrenaline moments are refreshing your perspective and opening your eyes to new possibilities. Once the dizziness wears off, you'll realise how far you've come, and be able to focus on the new heights you're headed towards.

May 01, 2024

Not all problems are fixable. Not all mysteries can be solved. It's frustrating, but sometimes, we just have to accept that things are the way they are. I'm not suggesting you're facing an impossible quandary. In fact, if you're expecting that your attempt to sort out a complicated situation will fail, you're wrong! Just use your powers of discrimination today. There's no point investing energy into a plan that won't succeed. If you focus on the one that seems to stand most chance of working, you'll make a choice that leads to progress.

April 30, 2024

Our attitude towards technology is changing. We used to think that computers would be much smarter than us. Although there are reasons to feel concerned about the impact of AI, for now (at least) we know that we're smarter than any machine. Humans are able to make right decisions even when they've been fed 'wrong' information. Our instincts guide us in ways that logic never can. If you feel pulled between an emotional response and a logical reaction, listen to your heart. Your intuition is on point today.

April 29, 2024

According to the Infinite Monkey Theorem, if a monkey sits at a keyboard for an infinite amount of time, it will produce the complete works of Shakespeare (and any other literary work you can think of). Hmmm... the problem, is that you're under time pressure. Whether it's an obligation to fulfil, or an idea you need to have, you've got a deadline. Plus, you don't want to spend eternity on this. You want to get it done and move on. With Venus changing signs, your creativity is heightened. Focus... and you'll succeed.