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I used to dread looking in the mirror – now my skin is better than ever at 54

Healthcare worker Lisa Coates shares how she overcame psoriasis to feel more confident than ever

Melanie Macleod
Wellness Editor
May 17, 2024
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If your skin has ever left you feeling low, you'll understand Lisa Coates' battle with her complexion.

Lisa, 54, spent years struggling with psoriasis, with the painful skin condition impacting so much more than her appearance. "I felt so self-conscious and the prescribed medication left me feeling depressed," she shares.

As well as psoriasis, the healthcare worker was diagnosed with Favre-Racouchot syndrome which causes blackheads, lumps and deep wrinkles.

side by side photo of woman's face close up
Lisa's skin before and after treatment

"I'd leave consultations in tears, feeling like I was bashing my head against a brick ball and my self-confidence was in tatters."

The stress Lisa was under caused her conditions to flare up, with the 54-year-old explaining: "I've always struggled with stress and it impacts my skin. I have psoriasis on my body and legs and if I go through a difficult period it flares up within a few days.

"The stress of Favre-Racouchot took its toll on my psoriasis, and people's comments didn't help. One woman even asked, 'What's wrong with you?'.

Treating her skin conditions

Desperately seeking a remedy for her skin, Lisa's doctor suggested she try laser treatment – though it wasn't an immediate fix.

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"The laser treatment was brutal and afterwards my face looked burnt," Lisa explains of the treatment which she underwent at Perfect Skin Solutions with Dr. Dev Patel. However, after three more treatments, Lisa says the difference is "incredible."

Woman smiling in a cream jumper
Lisa's skin was impacted by stress

"The lumpiness and blackheads have cleared up and my mental health has vastly improved too. My mood is better, I'm less anxious and I feel positive. I no longer dread looking in the mirror," she says.

The laser treatment helped with Lisa's psoriasis too, thanks to minimising her stress. "My psoriasis is even better because I'm less stressed and have put healthy habits in place to keep me calm. I walk the dog every day and delegate more too. If I don't take care of myself I notice the difference in my skin."

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 Psychodermatology expert Dr. Rebecca Purewal, also known as Dr. Wisderm, explains that Lisa isn't alone in seeing her mood lifted by the improvement in her skin.

"Visible improvements in your skin can boost your self-esteem and confidence," she says. "Feeling good about your appearance can positively impact your mood and mental well-being."

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