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7 celebrities open up about the pressure of losing baby weight

And why you should take no notice of it

April 9, 2019
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It's no secret that people put a huge amount of pressure on celebrities to look a certain way at all times. They're supposed to flaunt flat stomachs, never have a hair out of place and flash their perfectly straight veneers at any opportune moment, and that's just most of the time. Can you imagine the overwhelming pressure they must feel after they've been pregnant for nine months to snap right back to how they were before? Awful, we're sure you'd agree. Refreshingly, not all succumb to this and many have spoken publicly about the unfair expectations of them including Stacey Solomon, Christine Lampard and Gemma Atkinson. See what they have to say below…

Stacey Solomon

Stacey Solomon is currently expecting her third child with boyfriend Joe Swash, and in an exclusive interview with HELLO! revealed that when it comes to pregnancy weight, you simply "can't win".

She said: "Just be you and accept it, your body will change. I don't think my body's ever been the same, I don't think it's ever 'gone back' since I've had children because the whole composition of my body changed after kids and everyone is going to experience it differently.

"It says nothing about you, it means nothing, it doesn't define you and I think that's the most important thing that we just entirely forget it's a thing and just think whatever happens  happens and it's just so not important to my life what happens to my body after I givebirth providing that it's healthy.

"Are people going to be worried to fit in their jeans in case it looks wrong? You can't win, you just have to eliminate it completely and not worry."

READ MORE: Exclusive: Stacey Solomon on baby excitement, maternity leave and body image


Christine Lampard

Loose Women's Christine had her first baby, daughter Patricia, with husband Frank Lampard in 2018 and welcomed all the changes it brought to her body.

Speaking to the Mirror, she said: "I couldn’t care less about putting on weight as long as everything’s OK inside.

“I’m not training, just walking the dog. That’s it. I’m just taking it all in my stride.”


Gemma Atkinson

Gemma Atkinson is another celebrity who is expecting. The former actress is about to become a first-time mum with her partner, Strictly Come Dancing's Gorka Marquez but shockingly has already had to respond to people commenting on her changing weight.

When she uploaded a photo of herself before she was pregnant in a bikini, she wrote: "#tb to one of the best holidays in Dom Rep! Rocking my bikini, in my best shape and at my healthiest. I'm posting this because all I’ve been asked since people know I’m pregnant is 'are you worried about putting on weight?' Well, in a word, NO.

"I don’t see pregnancy as just someone gaining weight. I see it as my body shape & size changing because I'm lucky enough to be going through this incredible miracle which nature intended. A miracle sadly denied to many woman, so the last thing I’m going to be worrying about is that one of the side effects of my pregnancy is the fact I WILL GAIN WEIGHT. I’m extremely lucky to be in this situation.

"My cellulite will increase due to the rapid increase in oestrogen in my body. I’ll at times look bloated or have some spots and carry water retention due to my hormones changing, BUT all of the above are signs that my body is working correctly to house my baby...I’m Embracing the wonderful journey I’m on, strangely even the sickness.

"I’m also lucky in that Gorks is THE most supportive person I could have with me. Constantly making me feel sexy and beautiful in whatever body I’m in. He’s actually loving the fact my boobs have doubled in size... Can't think why. If you too are going through the wonderful changes in your body during pregnancy I salute you! It’s incredible! I now have a new found respect for my body and what it’s capable of." Hear, hear.

READ MORE: Gemma Atkinson's baby bump evolution! See how her gorgeous bump has grown


Amanda Holden

Amanda Holden, who is a mum to two girls, spoke candidly about her natural weight gain to new! Magazine when she was pregnant but said it didn't bother her.

"I don't weigh myself but I can feel I'm heavier than I was before I was pregnant, but I don't care."


Emma Willis

When Emma Willis was given a contract with Gillette a few months after giving birth, she did say she hit the gym because she wanted to look her best but didn't put any pressure on herself. In an exclusive interview, she told us: "I've never been one to jump into fitness straight after having a baby".

"I always say if you grow it for nine months it should take that time at least to go back to normal."

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Giovanna Fletcher

Giovanna Fletcher shares three kids with her husband, former McFly member Tom Fletcher and she has always been an advocate for mothers and the judgments they receive. Taking to Instagram and uploading a photo of herself in swimwear, she said: "I've seen a lot of posts about post-pregnancy bodies this week (Go @mother_of_daughters).

"At times it does bother me how much my body has changed, but I know I don't ever want it to stop me having fun with the boys. They aren't going to look back and think 'Gosh, Mum had terrible cellulite, stretch marks and wobbled a lot', but they would notice if I sat out of games and didn't make the most of my time with them."

She continued: "My body isn't what it used to be, but even when I was a size 8 I was unhappy with how I looked. It's not a size thing. It's not a weight thing. It's an inner feeling thing."

"My body gave me the two most important things in my life. So thank you to you in all your wobbles, lumps and bumps.

"To me, you are perfectly imperfect. #NoFilter #BeachBody #BodyPositive #LoveYourBabyLoveYourBody #Mum #Love #MyHeart #Motherhood."


Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor, who's a mum to five children, previously took to Instagram to share how she has been commented on while pregnant. During a night out with her husband, The Feeling's Richard Jones, someone presumed she was pregnant despite having given birth seven months previously. 

She wrote: “When@richardjonesface and I went out the other night, I wore quite a tight frock. I considered wearing stupid underwear to make me look trimmer but I decided not to as a) I wanted to be comfy and b) I don’t mind the shape I’m in.

“Later that eve a lady thought I was pregnant. Obviously, not thrilling, but just to say: I don’t mind that 7 months after a baby, that happened.

“Hey this is what it looks like when you’ve had a baby sometimes (not to pass any judgement on those mums who go back to their former shape quicker). I’ve had 4 kids. I don’t have a flat tummy. This is OK.”

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