Lena Dunham has responded to a magazine that printed an image of her next to a 'diet tips'. The Girls star posted an Instagram response to the front cover, which also reads: 'Lena. How she gets motivated', revealing that her sudden weight loss is down to health issues. Sharing the post on her Twitter account, she added the caption: "Plz file under "spokesperson jobs I don't want/never asked for".
READ: Lena Dunham responds to weight loss criticism
Poking fun at the cover, she wrote: "20 slimdown diet tips! 1. Anxiety disorder 2. Resultant constant nausea 3. An election that reveals the true depths of American misogyny 4. Constant sweaty dreams of dystopian future 5. Abdominal adhesions pinning ovary below uterus 6. Baseless but still harrowing threats to physical safety online and through smail mail 7. Watching institutions you love from Planned Parenthood to PBS be threatened by cartoon moustache-twirling villains." She concluded that the magazine cover was "diametrically opposed" to her views, writing: "I have no tips I give no tips I don't want to be on this cover cuz it's diametrically opposed to everything I've fought my whole career for and it's not a compliment to me because it's not an achievement thanx."
READ: Lena Dunham apologises after saying: "I wish I had an abortion"

Lena spoke about the magazine cover
READ: Lena Dunham posts hospital snap after being rushed to emergency room at Met Gala
Lena spoke about her weight loss on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, explaining: "I had this experience of my body changing and suddenly I had all these people being like, 'You're a hypocrite, I thought you were body positive. I thought you were a person who embraced bodies of all sizes,' and I'm like, 'I do, I just also understand that bodies change, we live a long time, things happen. I was frustrated by it because it really was evidence that as a woman in Hollywood, you just can't win'