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Cancer forecast for Friday May 03, 2024

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You know you could use some advice. But do you know where you're going to get it from? If someone's just popped into your mind, good. But there's someone else, who you haven't thought of. Advice from expected quarters is expected advice; you can be pretty sure about the response you'll get. So look elsewhere this weekend. Seek someone whose views are different. And then, listen carefully. Let their ideas percolate. If you reconsider your options in light of an enhanced perspective, you'll make an excellent decision.

Oh, one more thing before I let you go back to the rest of the internet. It's a wild world out there. Arm yourself with a full personal chart reading and you'll be better equipped in just about every way. Click here!

May 02, 2024

You know the story about the frog in a well who was persuaded to venture beyond the confines of its home? According to the fable, when another frog (who'd experienced the delights of pond life) managed to convince it to leave its safe space, it lived happily ever after enjoying the adventures of its new environment. And if it felt homesick, it could always pop back. I mention this because you're being presented with an opportunity. And it involves leaving your comfort zone. Don't let your fears stop you from taking it.

May 01, 2024

We all know people who love to criticise. They seem to enjoy throwing spanners into the works and pointing out why things are bound to go wrong. Luckily, most of us don't have such a negative mindset. The majority of humans are supportive and encouraging. As one of those people who go out of their way to help others, you're definitely in this category. So... if you need some extra support today, reach out and ask. You deserve some assistance. Someone in your world has useful knowledge they'd love to share.

April 30, 2024

According to the philosopher Plato "Wise people talk because they've got something to say; fools, because they've got to say something." You find yourself in an uncomfortable position of having to say something. You've been given information, which you feel obliged to share. It's tricky because you're concerned about the effect of your news. It's unlikely to be well-received. It might even cause hurt. So, be wise today. You don't have to say anything you don't want to say. And if you wait, you might not have to say anything at all.

April 29, 2024

We get so entrenched in our ways that we can grow accustomed to feeling uncomfortable. Maybe our preferred sleeping position gives us a backache. But that's how we fall asleep - so we don't think about changing it. This syndrome affects us on a psychological level too. We do things out of habit that aren't always good for us. As Venus moves into a new home, with just a small amount of effort and self-discipline you can make an adjustment to your routine that changes your mindset... and empowers you into action.

April 28, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Like a diver who's made it up to the top board but feels nervous about balancing on the end and diving off, you feel as if you're in a precarious position that you can't really turn back from. The leap you're obliged to make is big. So... why not go for it? Invest your heart, your soul, and crucially... your skill. Focusing on your fears isn't only unhelpful, it's dangerous. This week, you can instigate a spectacular change in your relationship world. All you need to do is to draw on your experience, raise your head high, and do your best.

April 27, 2024

Your May Monthly Horoscope: Life is full of unsolvable mysteries. We know this - and our coping strategies involve developing the ability to ignore these kinds of perplexing paradoxes. If we don't dwell on them, or pretend they don't exist, we feel more in control of our lives. If there's uncertainty in your world this month, try being comfortable within it. Just because you're unsure about the path ahead doesn't mean that it's not taking you to a delightful destination. Trust in the goodness of the cosmos, because it brings good things your way in May.