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Virgo forecast for Thursday May 02, 2024

Updated: 23 hours ago
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Pick up a pencil. Dust off your dancing shoes. Sing along to your favourite song. It's time to get creative. Remember that project you put on the backburner? This is the moment to action it. With Pluto, the planet of mystery turning retrograde, you need to give yourself the time and space to allow an almost forgotten idea to return. By making the effort to re-energise a past passion you'll encourage a change of attitude. When you believe something's possible, guess what? You take steps towards achieving it. What's stopping you?

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May 01, 2024

You're viewing things from a different perspective. From your new vantage point, you're finding answers to questions you didn't realise needed asking. Since some of these discoveries are unsettling, you're experiencing a curious mix of frustration and elation. It's discombobulating. But it's OK. The process might be intense, but it's necessary... and good. You're moving, at speed, on a journey towards a new stage of your life. If you stay open-minded, and are prepared to be surprised, a breakthrough is possible.

April 30, 2024

Who should you ask for advice? Definitely don't ask anyone involved in politics! They'll tell you whatever they think will make you give them your support. And that's on a good day. On a bad one, they'll tell you what they think you should do (without any regard for your actual circumstances). Yet don't we all act a bit like politicians? There are times when we're a bit too sure of our views (without the info to back them up). Today, it will be easy to find people with relevant experience, who care about you. That's advice you can trust.

April 29, 2024

When you're embarking on something challenging, humming the Mission Impossible tune can be helpful. I caught myself whistling it the other day. I mention it, because it's possible that you're facing a real impossibility. You're under pressure to meet someone else's needs, and it's putting you in an unfeasible situation. No wonder you don't feel like humming or whistling! Yet if you can summon up a bit of positivity, you'll find you're less stuck than you think. Start by being kind to yourself. The possibilities will start to appear.

April 28, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: In a world brimming with specialists and experts it's easy to assume that other people have more knowledge than we do. And when it comes to specific fields of interest maybe they do. But there are some factors in this world of which we're all equally ignorant. Don't let anyone dissuade you from following your heart this week. Your intuition is being finely honed. And your intellectual powers are as strong as ever. With regard to what's in your heart and who you need in your life, no one but you can speak with authority.

April 27, 2024

Your May Monthly Horoscope: Sometimes, a light-bulb moment occurs and we realise we've been dealing with similar patterns and problems for years; without noticing, we're repeating the same response to different circumstances. It's easily done. When we're caught in the immediacy of our challenges, we're too implicated to notice. This month brings a realisation that enables you to recognise one of these and react differently. If you want to make things different in the future, you can break a habit. And direct your life in a much more positive direction.

April 26, 2024

You can take steps to redeem an unhappy situation. Something that's been wrong, can be set back onto the right track. A bewildering situation can be clarified. And in the course of this transformative process a feeling of emptiness can be replaced with a sense of satisfaction. Your ruler's change of direction has a significant impact on your outlook. Somehow, it has influenced the way you feel and the way the cosmos responds to your needs. Now, it's ready and willing to help you to feel that what's happening in your world is right.