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Sagittarius forecast for Friday May 03, 2024

Updated: 7 hours ago
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How can you be happy when there are so many problems going on? Just a glance at a newsfeed is enough to depress even an optimistic Sagittarian. What right does anyone have to feel good? Of course, you need to be sensitive to people's troubles this weekend. But, as the Sun links to Neptune, you can be beacon of hope and light. A smile might not seem like much, but we never know how far it will spread. And you've got reasons to be cheerful. By sharing your joy, you share hope. And someone in your world will appreciate that.

Have your chart cast, then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where they will be and how they will affect you in the future. Click here!

May 02, 2024

Imagine the vast blank canvas Michelangelo faced before painting the Sistine Chapel. Or the tome of paper sitting on Beethoven's desk before he began writing a symphony. The start of the creative process is daunting. Now, imagine if instead of finding the courage to begin they'd decided to catch up on their equivalent of the latest boxset? Your task today, is to stop hesitating and start doing. You've been sitting on a great idea. You don't need to create a masterpiece. If you take the pressure off, and get going, you'll enjoy this.

May 01, 2024

Every culture has its own story about the creation of our planet. But even if you studied all of them, you'd be left with a mystery. Whether it all began with a big bang, or a creative force that shaped matter with its hands, we just don't know. And, since we don't know that, how can we be sure of anything? Life is full of enigmas and paradoxes. You're trying to solve a difficult question. It's frustrating because the answer will help you make a choice. But rather than focusing on the problem, let go and trust. The solution will unfold.

April 30, 2024

You don't want to upset anyone. But walking on eggshells around someone who tends to overreact isn't making you happy. It's making you upset. No wonder you feel like you're on an emotional seesaw. But settling for less than you should isn't going to benefit you (or them) in the long-term. Fortunately, as Mars arrives in its celestial home, it reboots your confidence so that you can stop acting out of fear (and start acting out of inspiration). It's time to rebalance a relationship in a way that enables you to meet your needs.

April 29, 2024

'The more things change, the more they stay the same.' I love this expression because it sounds slightly ridiculous. How can things that change stay the same? I suspect it alludes to the fact that no matter the changes in our outer world, they're not necessarily reflected in our inner world - just because we've got a new boss doesn't mean our work/life balance improves. So, is there any point in you trying your hardest to transform an aspect of your life? Absolutely. Your attitude has altered. And that can change everything.

April 28, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Some sofas aren't a good size for the room they're in. Probably, they were bought for another location, and the transfer hasn't quite worked. You can shift all the furniture round, but it doesn't make a difference. And being an adaptable soul, it doesn't take long to adjust to the not-quite-rightness of the front room. Have you been putting up with an unsatisfactory situation for too long? As Venus and Mars change signs, they bring a wind of change. It's easier than you think to make an adaptation that suits you very well indeed.

April 27, 2024

Your May Monthly Horoscope: Don't engage in needless debates this month. In fact, even if you feel passionate, and it feels clear that your point is worth making, try not to get involved in any debate you can avoid. In May, there's a chance you could waste your valuable energy getting caught up in unnecessary dramas. And with your ruler's link to Uranus, you've got better things to do. Tap into your wisdom. By being discerning and demonstrating restraint, you'll be able to make excellent choices. If you direct your focus, you can literally transform your life.