For years she hated her breasts. But now Ulrika Jonsson is delighted with her cleavage after undergoing a £6,000 breast reduction and uplift, and has decided to share her feelings on her decision to undergo surgery and her reaction to the results.
"Words cannot describe how much I hated (the breasts) Mother Nature had given me, especially when four children had finished with them," she says. "Frankly they revolted me. That's why, a month ago, at the age of 41, I finally decide to go under the knife."
In a report for a British newspaper Ulrika describes how she got the idea for surgery in 1988 when a friend confided she'd had a reduction. "I had no idea you could have such an operation… it planted in my mind the idea that I could one day do the same," says Ulrika.
At the time the blonde TV presenter says she felt unhappy about her chest, "a fact that was made worse when during my first pregnancy in 1994 I went up to an FF cup". After her first son Cameron arrived she went up to a G.
Three babies later she finally made her decision after being reduced to tears in a department store while trying on bikinis. "I called a friend from behind the curtain, sobbing and ranting about how I wanted a reduction," she writes in the Daily Mail.
But "life got in the way" she says and it wasn't until this year, after she had married her third husband and welcomed her fourth baby, that she finally went to see a surgeon.
The procedure she settled on was two-fold: a reduction and a lift which would take four and a half hours and leave only minimal scarring.
When the day of the operation arrived Ulrika reveals she wasn't nervous. "This was the day I'd been longing for," she explains.
And although she was too apprehensive to look when the bandages first came off, when she finally plucked up the courage she was delighted with what she saw.
"Magnificent is the only word," says the star. "The results were remarkable. I felt humbled somehow, not sure whether to laugh or cry with joy. The best thing is that these 'new' breasts were actually my old ones. They were technically still my breasts, but they looked nothing like them."