Bubbly This Morning host Fern Britton didn't mince her words when she took a seat alongside politicians as a panellist on David Dimbleby's Question Time.
She wasted no time in sharing her opinions about at whose door she feels the blame for the current economic problems lies.
"I'm going to be very sexist here, but it appears a lot of men have been in on this money business and they made a very bad fist of it," she told her fellow panellists.
"Women are traditionally good at making sure the money goes in the pot for electricity and the phone," she said, adding they're also less likely to "stick it all on a horse to see if the money would come in next week".
"It seems the majority of people who have families and mortgages and all of those things, knew that spending was too much. We knew that credit was being offered willy nilly, we knew that money was suddenly very cheap to borrow," she continued.
The mum-of-four was equally candid about her solution to Britain's binge drinking problems – ban cheap alcohol and stop 24-hour drinking.