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Petition for nation's hero Captain Tom Moore to be knighted reaches half a million signatures

Here's how you can sign the petition

April 17, 2020
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Who isn't a big fan of the absolutely incredible Captain Tom Moore, the war veteran who has raised over £18million for NHS charities by walking 100 laps of his back garden? The royals certainly are, as Prince William, the Duchess of Cornwall and Princess Eugenie have all praised the 99-year-old's inspirational work. Prince William even donated an undisclosed amount to Tom's efforts, which are expected to reach over £20million. And now a petition calling for the World War II veteran to be knighted has reached almost half a million signatures – just hours after Tom finished his fundraising garden walk. The petition calls for him to be recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours List in June.


Captain Tom Moore has became the nation's hero

Sonia Wilson, an NHS midwife, started the petition on as a way of thanking Tom for giving her and her colleagues a boost. "This amazing motivational hero deserves to be awarded a knighthood," she wrote. "As a NHS midwife, I know how much his fundraising and support means on the ground. And how much it means to staff during this awful pandemic. He deserves to be knighted." 

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Nearly 500,000 people have signed the petition, prompting a response from Prime Minister Boris Johnson who is "looking for ways to recognise Tom and his heroic efforts.". Captain Tom took up the challenge to thank the NHS for their "marvellous" work in helping him recover from both a hip replacement and skin cancer over the last few years. He originally set a fundraising target of £1,000, hoping to reach it by his 100th birthday on April 30.

tommooreuniform© Maytrix Group/Handout

Captain Tom Moore in uniform during the Second World War

How to donate to Captain Tom Moore

Captain Tom, from Yorkshire, completed the challenge on April 16, but has vowed to keep on walking until the money stops coming in. His daughter Hannah set up a fundraising page, where you can donate.

How to sign the petition for Captain Tom Moore's knighthood

Sonia Wilson's petition for Captain Tom to be knighted can be found on

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