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The skincare rules you'll want to follow before and after a workout

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January 5, 2016
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There's no doubt that going to the gym is great for your body and overall health, but it can be easy to focus on your physique and forget about your skin. Working out doesn't have to mean compromising your skincare routine – and with just a few tricks, you can ensure you keep your complexion as healthy and glowing as ever.

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It can be easy to forget about skincare when focusing on exercising

Before working out

1. One of the golden rules of gym skincare? Remove all of your make-up before you exercise. While it may be tempting to go straight from work with a full face of make-up, this can clog up your pores as the products mix with the build-up of sweat. Giving your skin a good cleanse avoids this and ensures your complexion is prepped before you hit the treadmill.2. If you're going to be outdoors, apply a light moisturiser with SPF to keep your skin protected from UV rays – but make sure to choose a lightweight product otherwise you risk causing clogging pores further.

During the workout

1. If you're prone to breakouts, then carry a pack of anti-bacterial wipes to clean off equipment before you begin. This will reduce the risk of transferring bacteria and sweat from others to your own skin or face as you use the machines.2. During exercise, try to avoid wiping your face with your hands – instead use a towel and pat your face dry.3. Make sure to stay hydrated throughout exercising, to replenish the moisture you are losing as you sweat.

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Staying hydrated is important to having a glowing complexion

Post workout

1. When you've finished exercising, remove sweaty clothing as soon as possible to allow your pores to breathe. While it may be tempting to jump into a long, hot shower after all of your hard work, hot water can actually strip the skin of its vital, natural oils. Instead, opt for a short lukewarm shower to rinse off.2. After a shower, apply a soothing body oil and pat your skin dry with a cool towel to help give your skin an extra nourishing boost.3. Skin is extra sensitive following a workout, so make sure to gently cleanse your face. Avoid applying other products such as moisturiser until later when you get home, as too many products could irritate the skin and cause redness.

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