There must be times when Prince William and his girlfriend Kate Middleton wish they could just go unnoticed like any other member of the public. The loved-up pair have both discovered that, despite being one of the country's most photographed couples, not everyone knows who they are, though.
Wills got something of a surprise at the weekend when he was denied entry to the Club Lounge on a cross-Channel ferry. The second in line, who was making the crossing from Dover to Calais on the P&O Pride Of Kent, tried to get into the exclusive area reserved for passengers who had paid £10 extra.
A female employee who was monitoring the door failed to recognise him, however, and as a result he and his three friends had to make do with a drink in one of the vessel's public bars.
And his girlfriend Kate, who was enjoying a spot of retail therapy on the King's Road in Chelsea, had similar experience. The pretty brunette might have thought she was about to receive the attentions of a royal fan when a fellow shopper in LK Bennett boutique approached her. Things turned out a little differently when the woman, who had apparently mistaken her for a sales assistant, asked "Have you got those in a six-and-a-half, dear?"