If (like us) you’re currently recovering from three days of indulgence, you’re probably in need of a little extra TLC to get you through the week. We enlisted the help of pro make up artist and Artistic Consultant for Burberry Beauty, Wendy Rowe to find out how to beat the Bank Holiday binge and get your skin back in tip-top condition.
1) Drink a glass of lemon water when you wake up
Drinking a glass of warm lemon water as soon you get up in the morning is one of the easiest and most effective ways to kick-start your recovery. It will help to ease indigestion, counteract any excess acid in your stomach and reduce bloating- instantly eliminating any puffiness.

2) Whip up a watermelon juice
Instead of reaching for your regular green juice, opt for a watermelon variety instead. This often-overlooked fruit is packed with vitamins A, B6 and C and the seeds are full of iron, which will boost your circulation and rejuvenate the skin.
3) Keep hydrated throughout the day
This one is a no-brainer. Obviously it’s important to get your eight glasses of water every day, but it’s especially vital after a weekend of drinking. Alcohol dehydrates the skin, stripping it of moisture and even causing redness and rosacea in extreme cases, so staying on top of your water consumption can play a big role in keeping your skin looking its best.
4) Keep a collagen drink on your desk
If the weekend has left your skin looking dull and lifeless, collagen drinks like Skinade (£99 for a 30-day supply) are your new BFF. Working from within to plump up dehydrated complexions, fine lines will gradually be filled in for more youthful, healthier looking skin.
5) Hit the gym
Exercising might be the last thing you feel like doing, but working up a sweat will actually help to flush out toxins from your body faster. Stick to light, low-intensity workouts like yoga, pilates or swimming- they’ll release mood-boosting endorphins without overdoing it.