There would be no prizes for guessing who'll be cooking dinner for Jamie Oliver's family on December 25. A traditional turkey is only one element of a perfect Christmas, though, and the celebrity chef's wife Jools has been busying herself with the other festive preparations.
Daughters Poppy and Daisy can look forward to a festive yuletide at home in London after their mum picked up a beautiful Christmas tree in Hampstead on Tuesday. And the two youngsters were no doubt be eager to help their mum decorate the six-foot pine when she got it back home.
And the Oliver family looks set to have extra reason to celebrate this year, as the Naked Chef's latest book, Cook With Jamie, is on its way to becoming one of the season's biggest sellers. The cheeky chef and his loved-ones are all but guaranteed to enjoy a prosperous New Year, too, as his company, Sweet As Candy, recently reported an 80 per cent rise in profits.
Jools is also enjoying success with her foray into publishing. The Diary Of An Honest Mum tells of how she became a parent, charting every moment from when she learned she was expecting up to Poppy's first birthday.
"I have to admit that it has always been a secret passion of mine to write a book," she said. "When I became pregnant for the first time and started out on the incredible journey to becoming a mum, the experiences that I was going through — the worries, the never-ending excitement, the miracles, the laughter and the mind-blowing hard work — really stretched and challenged me in ways I never expected."