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Your free horoscope for the week

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Debbie Frank
May 9, 2022
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Astrologer to the stars Debbie Frank has shared her weekly horoscopes with HELLO! Online readers. Find out what the stars have in store for you below...


You're all fired up due to the arrival of joyous Jupiter in your chart on Tuesday for a five month stay in your sign. This up-levels your confidence and capacity to magnetise opportunities in all areas of your life. Even though Mercury is skittering backwards you're all set for the grand plan.


After the tectonic plate shift of the solar eclipse in your sign and the Sun's subsequent meeting with unruly Uranus you're not in the mood to be trifled with! However, Mercury's reverse motion alters your scenario, unpicking your plans and causing a re-think. Do nothing in a rush as next Monday's powerful eclipsed Full Moon is a cosmic intervention.


The normal flow of life is interrupted whilst Mercury retrogrades through your sign and you spin your wheels. However now you can play catch up with all those things you left behind and new information comes to light. Meanwhile Jupiter attracts new friends and followers and in turn new prospects in the coming months.


Nothing is set in stone whilst Mercury backflips through the heavens, so remain fluid whilst plans constantly shape shift. Keep your eyes on your own meaningful goals which are green-lit by generous Jupiter through to late October and psyche yourself up for emotionally cathartic lunar eclipse next Monday.


Inevitably, Mercury retrogrades creates a slo-mo feels to what's happening. However, the bigger picture is very much enhanced by Jupiter's residency in your fellow fire sign of Aries which attracts stimulating experiences over the coming months. Clear some space for them by releasing what's old and irrelevant now.


Be prepared for some slip-ups with Mercury's reverse motion until early June. It might send you back to the drawing board and slow things down but also enable revised versions that turn out to be better than your original plans. Look at how you can collaborate with others and where you need to sharpen your ideas.


Jupiter's new residency in the relationship angle of your chart bodes well for all kinds of interactions through Summer and Autumn and could well introduce that one vital person who pulls everything together. Take things slowly whilst Mercury is retrograde short term and Plan B is necessary. You are simply in the development stage.


The build-up to the totally eclipsed Full Moon in your sign next Monday is bound to be intense and leave you in no doubt that a chapter of your life is closing to make way for a new one. Although Mercury retrograde feels slightly discombobulating, just hold onto the certainty that you're going through a renaissance.


When Mercury retrograde produces maddening antics and puzzles, place your attention on the new arrival of Jupiter into the most entertaining sector of your skies. You are better equipped than any other sign to get the cosmic joke in life and it's all a matter of re-framing what's going on as pure theatre.


As Mercury retrograde usually coincides with people changing their minds, subsequent alterations to your arrangements are inevitable. The trick to navigating this lightly is not to get caught up in expectations. Instead focus on what's real, heartfelt and meaningful to you as Jupiter downloads greater happiness closer to home.


Adopt a playful approach to the mind-games of Mercury's retrograde motion, even if they are caused by technology and travel! Get yourself ready for the upcoming lunar eclipse which is plugged into Saturn in your sign and the need to look at your overall work/life balance and status. Is the time right for a significant step?


Jupiter will settle into Aries from Tuesday, which is all about feathering your nest both psychologically and materially. Whilst the way ahead may not be crystal clear due to Mercury's maverick motion, rest assured that the coming five months will provide new opportunities for you to thrive.

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