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Aquarius forecast for Friday July 26, 2024

Updated: 21 hours ago
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How much of what you need do you already have? It's worth pondering, because the answer will help clarify your current position. Then, stay open-minded and consider your options. Just because things aren't going according to plan doesn't mean you won't succeed. Even the world's most consistent winners have setbacks to deal with; it's the way they respond that makes them stand out from the crowd. The Finger of Fate brings an invitation you'd be wise to accept. Someone, with valuable advice can help you get what you need.

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July 25, 2024

Do you know how much you have to celebrate? Well, you're about to find out! The Finger of Fate brings the clarity to see a current source of stress from a different viewpoint. With enhanced perspective, you'll feel a lot less concerned about the confusing factor which has been taking up so much of your bandwidth. By focusing on the positive, you'll be in a far better position to appreciate the inspiring developments that are on their way. And that source of aggravation? It might even turn out to be a source of pleasure.

July 24, 2024

You've had as much as you can take of a challenging situation. The people involved would be well advised to leave you in peace today. And if they have to interact with you, they need to be as polite as possible. You've been dealing with difficult, belligerent attitudes for a while. And it's tiring. Although you don't want to rock the boat, you're on the verge of sharing your frustrations. Yet sometimes, boats need to be rocked. If you feel provoked today, express yourself. The ripples will have a surprisingly calming effect.

July 23, 2024

You could do with an energy boost. Although you've been coping, your enthusiasm is dipping; you're running low on good cheer. If only things would fall into place without your efforts. Or solutions would pop up. Or if people were less demanding. Is that too much to ask? No! If you don't think an improvement is possible, you need to think again. As the Sun links to transformative Pluto, by opening the door to positive developments, you'll find a way of dealing with problematic people and situations. Staying hopeful is key.

July 22, 2024

Since what's going on in your 'here and now' isn't particularly inspiring/interesting, you've turned your thoughts to what might be possible. Yet the danger with this approach is that you might miss what the current cosmic climate is bringing your way. With the Sun moving into your opposite sign, it's worth taking another look at something you could easily dismiss as irrelevant. You're looking for a way to implement a change and improve your life. If you pay close attention today, you'll make a discovery that's hiding in plain sight.

July 21, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Stop right here! You've got too much going on to have time to read to the end of your prediction. Hmmm... for a moment, I forgot that you're an Aquarian. There's no way you're not going to do something you want to do just because someone tells you not to do it! And the truth is that although there's a limit to what you can accomplish this week, the way to achieve as much as possible is to pretend there's no limit to what you can achieve. Just as you ignored that first instruction, ignore your inner voice of doubt. You'll see!

July 20, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Sometimes, when we think we face a difficult problem, it's not the problem that's difficult: it's the way we're looking at it. Timing is also a factor; when we've got lots of other demands to deal with, one more problem can be too much to cope with. Conversely, when we're in the right mood, a problem can feel like an exciting challenge. When it comes to problem-solving, you're one of the best. As long as you don't take on too many other people's issues this week, that obstacle that's been getting in your way? You can leap over it.