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Oscar Cainer
Oscar Cainer
Updated: 16 hours ago
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The problem with jigsaws is that unless you've unwrapped a new one, you're never 100% certain that the piece you're searching for actually exists. It might be missing. And if you manage to get to the end of the puzzle, and the last piece isn't there... aargh! Have you got the skills/equipment you need to complete a task? You've definitely embarked on a challenge. It demands time and focus. But you've got all the pieces you need. It's just that you're still in the process of fitting them into the right place. Persevere!

Known as the Hunter's Moon, the arrival of the supermoon (the largest this year) in Aries is the first full moon of autumn and its presence will be hard to ignore. 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile.

October 21, 2024

Being wholeheartedly committed to something (or someone) brings a wonderful sense of security. Even if we're surrounded by uncertainty, we feel protected. But suppose we're committed to feeling pessimistic? Or depressed? The truth is that it's impossible to be wholehearted about anything negative. Our hearts are, in essence, positive. They only get totally involved when they're motivated by plans and relationships that hold the potential to bring joy. Give everything you've got to what matters to you today.

October 20, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: It is easy to feel compassionate when someone isn't doing well. Or for an animal. But it's another story when it comes to feeling empathy for someone who's making our life difficult. Our adversaries find it easy to make us feel sorry for ourselves. And when we feel victimised we construct defences which we retreat behind. You're dealing with some kind of threat in your world. Your natural instinct is to protect yourself. If you make an effort to forgive; and try to understand a situation in your emotional life, you'll gain power over it.

October 19, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Are you ready for a life-transforming moment? It's happening on the back of the one you had recently. And building on the one you had before that. Yikes! Change can be discombobulating. And you're going through lots. But if you're confident that you're making progress you can take the pressure off. There's no need to rush. Allow what's unfolding to unfold. When a situation is in a state of flux you don't want to force it to a premature outcome. Miracles, sometimes, are easier to manifest than we think. Trust.

October 18, 2024

You're not sure how a situation is going to turn out. Will it go well? Or badly? It's hard to be sure. The problem is that you're struggling to understand someone's behaviour. Somehow, their actions don't seem to match their words. And, since this matter is important, you want to be able to make an informed assessment; and the uncertainty is jumbling your hopes with your fears. This weekend, try focusing on other things. If you're less tense, and allow some time to pass, a new development will bring the clarity you crave.

October 17, 2024

We're taught to be modest. It's OK to be confident - but it's not OK to have high opinions of ourselves. Boasting about achievements is definitely unacceptable. Yet might you have gone to the opposite extreme? Has your level of self-deprecation dipped too low? The Super Grand Cross Moon is encouraging you to give yourself more credit. It's time to believe in yourself and be less apologetic about aspects of your character that you're inclined to hide. You deserve to take pride in who you are. And praise for what you've achieved.

October 16, 2024

In your mind's eye, you've got a picture of how you want things to be. It's an inspiring vision that motivates you. Although the chance of it becoming part of your reality sometimes feels remote, you can't let the dream go. The issue is that between you and your goal lies a forest full of challenges. And from your current viewpoint, part of you wants to abandon your idea and make do with what you've got. But don't. Under The Grand Trine, which involves your ruler, Mars, if you take a few steps forwards, you'll make significant progress.