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Virgo forecast for Friday July 26, 2024

Updated: 20 hours ago
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Our myths and fairy tales are packed with stories about magical swords, stones and spells. We grow up hearing 'happy ever after' endings. But we also learn that houses made of sweets can contain problems! You're looking for an ideal solution to a tricky situation. In a perfect world, you'd wave your wand and it would be sorted. Although this weekend is unlikely to bring such an object your way, the Finger of Fate brings a flash of inspiration. Work with that... and an abracadabra-like transformation is possible.

Reveal the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

July 25, 2024

It's true that some aspects of your world are beyond your control. But there are other options, which you can influence. It's also true that having an impact is going to take a considerable amount of effort. But just because nothing's going to be easy doesn't mean that you should give up and allow things to unfold without your input. Luckily, encouraged by your ruler, Mercury, it's going to be hard/impossible not to do anything. Good. Because any positive action you take today will have a positive effect. Follow your instincts.

July 24, 2024

Being an android would have its advantages. Imagine not having to deal with emotions. You wouldn't have to make difficult choices. You wouldn't have opinions or preferences. You'd be protected from disappointment and lose the sense of 'not being good enough'. The idea of a functional existence has its appeal; especially when you're dealing with emotionally-charged situations. But it's your sensitivity that guides you through. And you're about to experience the joy that comes with success. It will remind you of why life is so good.

July 23, 2024

Planet Earth is packed full of other people. Fine. The problem is they see themselves as being as smart as you. Which is (most of the time), fine too. It's just that you're working with someone whose views don't agree with yours. And while you're prepared to compromise, they're not. Since you're involved in a project that needs their input, this needs resolving. Fortunately, another member of the population can step in and advise. If you share your problems, you'll reach understanding that enables a way to move forwards.

July 22, 2024

Suppose you stop investing energy into a project that's using up too much of it? Would everything grind to a halt? Or continue to unfold? When you care about the outcome, you throw yourself in. And since you're a caring Virgo, once you're in, you're in; and it's hard to take yourself far enough away to reassess and gain perspective. But under these insightful skies, if you step back, you'll see you've provided this process with enough momentum for it to continue without you giving it everything you've got. Phew. Relax.

July 21, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Some people choose not to get involved in difficult situations. Yet even though closing their minds might work as a self-protective mechanism, it has an unfortunate side-effect; these folk become isolated, and their opinions and views of the world get stuck. But that's not your MO. So, even though you're under pressure to find a clear answer to a problematic situation, stay as open-minded and open-hearted as possible. The Sun, moving into your neighbouring sign, ensures you've got the power to find a solution that works for everyone.

July 20, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: As you evaluate the state of your relationship world, take a look around. Is someone else's name etched into the wall? No. The situation you're in doesn't belong to anyone but you. It's got your name on it. Excellent. Because you need to own the experiences coming your way. Good things are heading in your direction. The issue is that you might be so intent on dealing with other people's problems you don't notice them (let alone take advantage of them). You need (and deserve) to receive the rewards this week brings... and enjoy them.