Forget the Hollywood party scene or glitzy premieres, the NBA basketball playoffs are the place to be if you want an eyeful of the hunkiest males from the celebrity set. One eligible bachelor in particular – Guy Ritchie – seemed to be enjoying the action at this week's fixture.
Filmmaker Guy has some time off after wrapping Sherlock Holmes and before he takes over childcare duties while his ex-wife Madonna tours over the summer. The Englishman was joined in the stands by Leonardo DiCaprio, Denzel Washington and Jack Nicholson.
Watching adrenalin-filled athletes test their skills against each other isn't out of bounds to the fairer sex, though. Jessica Biel recently attended a match with her beau Justin Timberlake, even managing to keep his attention for part of the game.
In fact the couple thrilled fellow spectators, by indulging in a steamy show of passion that was featured on the courtside camera.
They were merely following an example set by Dustin Hoffman and his wife Lisa, who were also pictured kissing mid-match.