Iskra Lawrence stripped down to her underwear on a busy NewYork subway train to issue a powerful statement about body shaming. The model,who has long championed body confidence, told commuters she wanted them tochange the way they see themselves and look past their insecurities.
In a video shared on her YouTube page, Iskra can be seenstanding in the middle of a crowded carriage wearing a black dress and boots asshe starts an address about body positivity.
Iskra Lawrence stripped on a subway train to share an empowering message
"I want to make myself vulnerable today so you can seetruly the journey I've come on with my own body and how I feel about myselftoday," Iskra said. "So I'm going to reveal myself to you to provethat we are in control of how we feel about ourselves. No one else holds ourself-worth but us. I grew up hating what I saw in the mirror because societytold me I was not good enough."
The 26-year-old continued to tell her fellow passengers thatthey should respect their bodies, saying she hoped her address would help themto see themselves differently.
"Every single one of us has so much value and so muchworth that is so much more than just skin," she said, to a cheer from oneof the passengers.

The model said she wanted people to look past their insecurities
"Please I urge you, you deserve to love yourself, youdeserve to feel comfortable and confident, and I really hope I connected withyou today," Iskra concluded, before receiving a round of applause from thepeople seated around her.
Iskra uploaded the video to her YouTube account on Sunday,where it has already received thousands of views and comments from fans, manyof whom praised her for being an "amazing role model" and thankingher for speaking out.