The reason beauty appointments make us so happy is far more complex than you think

It's not all about appearance - beauty appointments can improve mental health for a number of reasons

nail tech
Updated: 20 March 2023

I always leave the beauty salon with a spring in my step. Not just because of my sparkling new manicure, nor because I've spent the last hour being pampered, but because I've just spent some quality time with my nail tech.

While her cuticle work makes me smile, and there's definitely a dopamine hit that comes from admiring how perfectly she polishes my nails, it's the 60 minutes of chatting with my nail tech that has put a smile on my face.

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Post-appointment, I once told my partner I thought I had better chats with my beauty therapist than I do with my best friends – so what is it about the client/ beauty tech relationship that makes me so happy?

I'm not the only one who treasures the time spent with beauty professionals. A new study by salon product provider Kao revealed that despite the cost-of-living crisis, more than half of people surveyed still plan to spend the same amount of money on beauty, while 70% of people say visits to the salon count as self-care, and like me, 51% of people say they're as close to their stylist as they are to their friends.

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Why do beauty appointments make us so happy?

I love my time with my nail tech. We talk about everything from bad boyfriends to the best rooftop bars we've been to, to our future career plans and how to care for friends going through a tough time.

Our relationships with our beauty techs are uncomplicated; we both offload our woes, fill each other in on our lives and then go our separate ways, not having to worry about one another. If I told a friend I was unhappy at work or struggling in my relationship, they'd feel obliged to check in the next day – my nail tech doesn’t have to.

I spoke to salon business expert Liz McKeon about why our beauty techs make us so happy, and she confirmed it's about the connection, not just the nails.

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Nail bars and beauty salons are a safe space for many people 

"They're not just doing your nails, they're really looking after you," Liz says of beauty professionals. "If you find a beauty therapist you like, they're on a never-ending journey with you. They’re there when you're getting married, or getting divorced, when you have a baby, when you experience loss. You go to them for every event, and they're always there.

"Salon professionals really do care about you," Liz continues. "They want to hear how your holiday went, if your hair lasted the day of the wedding and was it nice in photos? They take a huge personal interest in your whole world, not just in the service they're providing."

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Our beauty appointments allow us to offload

On why we end up sharing all our woes with our beauty tech, Liz confirmed what I thought: "They have no other agenda other than to look after you. Friends and family have their own opinion, but somebody working in the salon doesn't. It's just their job that you feel that bit better."

I'm often amazed that my nail tech remembers tiny things I've told her, but Liz tells me it's part of the service – and it's why we feel so cared for, post-salon visit. "Your world is so important to your tech during your appointment," Liz says.

Time with our techs makes us feel special because we feel valued and important. Liz adds that it's important to the beauty pro too, explaining: "They will be looking forward to hearing how you got on with your nails, wondering what's the next life event they'll create nails for."

Post-appointment happiness also comes from the fact that our beauty tech physically handles us. Being touched reduces our cortisol (stress) levels, so even a hand massage in a manicure or a head massage in a haircut can boost happiness.

We go to our beauty appointments for the connection just as much as for the service, and with 70% of people saying visits to the salon count as self-care, long may the appointments continue!

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