My Sunday night ritual helps banish imposter syndrome

Founder of Isle of Paradise Jules Von Hep shares how he beats the Monday blues

Jules Von Hep headshout
3 September 2023

If you're a fan of self-tan, chances are you've tried at least one of Isle of Paradise's tanning products and maybe you even follow the brand's founder, Jules Von Hep.

Jules is one of the most positive forces on Instagram, using his platform to boost other people up, sharing videos on how to accept ourselves as we are and encouraging us to focus on the joy in life.

We caught up with Jules about how he stays so upbeat during difficult times, and what he does when doubts do start to creep in. Take notes!

"I suffer with terrible imposter syndrome and seasonal depression in the winter and I realised my mood is always better on a Monday if I’ve tanned the night before," Jules says. "Minimising the negative Monday chat has become a weekly priority, and that includes applying Isle of Paradise Green Drops to my face religiously every Sunday night."

READ: How to be happy: 30 expert-approved tips to become your most optimistic self 

Why self-tan makes me happy

"I feel so much happier in myself when I've tanned. My friends say that all I ever want to do is be on holiday, and they speak the truth. I love being in a hot country, swimming in the sea, being carefree, and sleeping. The sad thing, is I have this thing called commitments, so I can’t live on a permanent holiday.

"Wearing tan gives me the feeling that I’m permanently on holiday, my skin tone is even, my eyes and teeth brighter, my clothes and makeup sit better on my skin when I’m tanned. I like how I look in the mirror more when I’m tanned, always." 

How self-tan makes me confident

"Self-tan to me is more than just a beauty product, it’s confidence in a bottle and not having a tan really impacts my confidence," Jules explains. 

"One time I had to present in front of 2,000 people and though I’d bought a new shirt and had my hair cut, due to the long flight, I hadn’t had time to apply any tan.

"I felt tired because of the jetlag but later in the day, once my tan had developed, I felt like me, glowing, confident and ready to rock that stage!"

 Jules isn't alone in the fact that a tan peps him up, explaining that people regularly get in touch to share how Isle of Paradise has changed their life.

 "I receive hundreds of DMs on Instagram every single month from people who’ve used Isle of Paradise, telling me it’s made them feel more confident or the best version of themselves when they’ve really needed it. Here are some of my favourites…"


Jules finds that tanning helps him feel more confident

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Self-tan helps me embrace life

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