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New Year, New You! Beauty resolutions for 2013

January 2, 2013
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It's that time of year again, which can only mean one thing – the dreaded New Year resolutions. And yes, you could vow to go the the gym at least three times a week. For the fourth year running. Or promise that you will dramatically cut down on your chocolate consumption, instead nibbling your way through 2013 on carrot sticks and celery. But let's be honest, that all seems a lot like hard work!


So this year, instead of putting yourself through the ordeal of making – and promptly breaking – your resolutions, opt for something that will make you feel good.Make this your most beautiful year yet by focusing on you! HELLO! Online offers some beauty based New Year Resolutions to help you be the very best you can be in 2013.In 2013, I promise to...* Take my makeup off every single nightProbably the golden rule of beauty basics. For starters, waking up with mascara halfway down your face is never a good look. And removing all traces of foundation, cover up and any other makeup will reduce the chances of acne and spot outbreaks. * Smile more!The most beautiful thing you can wear is your smile. But did you know it can also take years off your face? Smiling lifts facial muscles, making you look happier and younger!* Breathe deep When it all gets too much and you feel you're about to explode: take time out. Count to ten. And while you're doing it, focus on your breathing. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose, feeling your lungs fill with air, and then out through your mouth until you feel them empty completely. It's a simple trick that can help you calm down almost immediately.

new year resolutions

* Get my hair trimmed every six to eight weeksIt's your crowning glory after all, so make sure you keep your locks in tip top condition. Book your next appointment while you are at the hairdressers so you don't forget* Declutter my cosmeticsGet yourself off to a fresh start by having a clear out and getting rid off all those cosmetics you just don't wear. And make sure you check for sell-by dates; almost all beauty products have a shelf life. Think of it this way - you will have a lot more space for new goodies!* Moisturise morning and nightIt's what your mother, and probably your grandmother, told you for years. Moisturising your skin on a regular basis will help it appear full and vibrant; wrinkles develops easier and sink deeper if your skin is dehydrated. And make sure you treat your neck and décolletage as an extension of your face* Wear SPF 30 every dayWhile we are on the subject, make sure you wear SPF 30 or higher all year round – even in the middle of winter. It will protect your skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays* Get a beauty buddyEnlist a friend to help keep your new beauty regime in check. Meet up every month or so for a massage or a manicure, and a good catch up * Clean my makeup brushes every weekYou wash your face regularly to keep it clean, so don't then use dirty makeup brushes on it! Wash your brushes once a week to keep them free of dirt and bacteria – and your face spot free* Experiment with new stylesYes, your dismal attempt at colour blocking may never see the light of day, and your neon lips might stay safely behind closed doors, but don't be afraid to experiment this yearKeep an eye on the hottest makeup trends of 2013, and play around in the privacy of your home – you never know, some of them might just come off!

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