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Your daily horoscope Sunday May 05, 2024

Your daily horoscope Sunday May 05, 2024
Updated: 5 hours ago
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As Jupiter and Uranus separate, other planetary influences become more apparent. Now it's Saturn's turn in the spotlight; its relationship with Pluto faces its first test since their 2020 convergence. But I don't expect this meeting to kickstart similar sorts of problems. This week's New Moon brings the resources to successfully adapt to any challenges. The wisdom gained through past experience helps us to transform any difficulties in ways that inspire us to create a happier and healthier future.

Need to know more? These spookily accurate birth charts, based on your unique birth placements will tell you everything you need to know. Simply enter your birth details and receive a completely personal Personal Birth ChartMAY 2024 Astrology Song.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We both know what's waiting at the end of this sentence: a full stop. There. Did you see it? Don't even think about any of the following punctuation. Just examine it closely. It contains an entire world of possibilities. I know that's asking you to stretch your imagination! But I'm just trying to point out that what seems insignificant to one person can be huge to somebody else. This week, if an issue seems big to someone important to you, your best bet is to make it seem important to you. You'll find yourself sharing something exciting.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Lots of single people wish they weren't single. And lots of people in relationships wish they were single again. Why do we often wish for what we haven't got?! And if, for some reason, we're unable to have it, we can end up resenting things in our world that are good for us. No matter your relationship status right now, you feel like you're being stopped from expressing yourself. This week's New Moon, which takes place in your sign, rekindles your sense of autonomy. You can redress a power imbalance so that it works for you.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You're a negotiator, a truth-seeker; optimistic yet pragmatic. With so many unusual talents, it's no wonder people find it hard to get to know the 'real' you. But those who make the effort find themselves in the company of someone special. The truth is that you know the world is far from ideal. And your awareness of life's inevitable ups and downs enhances your ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Which means you're more than capable of sorting out a hiccup in your relationship world. And transforming a negative into a positive.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Are you fed up with being given orders you're not in a position to contest? Or tired of having to adapt to difficult developments? Various situations seem to be eroding your sense of control. In several important areas of your world, you've got no choice but to go along with other people's expectations. Which is demoralising. But this week brings change. As your ruling planet almost disappears from the skies, you can focus its power and regain more freedom and independence. It's time to do what you want to do. And take back control.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We're supposed to let 'sleeping dogs lie'. But when someone is in snooze-mode and you've got information that affects their life, is that the best/right policy to follow? It depends on the person, their attitude, and the relevance of what you know. If they're happy in their ignorance, you could let them be - you don't want to be responsible for disturbing their peace. But suppose they're unhappy, and snoozing is their way of coping? Sharing what you know might make their tail wag. Being kind involves being honest this week.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: If we had answers to every question, and could sort out all our issues and solve all our mysteries, what kind of world would we be living in? Where would adventures and fun come from? Being certain, all the time, would be dull! Unless, of course, we're talking about our individual concerns. But we gain great satisfaction from helping others through their uncertainties and quandaries. Your personal emotional confusion might be uncomfortable. Yet it's potentially highly beneficial. It leads to a delightful relationship connection.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Everything these days is 'supersized'. If we pay a bit more, we can have a lot more. From pizzas to puddings, the temptation is so strong it's hard to resist. It's easy to forget the importance of 'self-restraint'. Why bother?! What's the point? Go for it! In your relationship world this New Moon week, there's a lot to be said for being subtle. You might be tempted to push for more than is available. But if you're gentle, and treat whatever comes your way as being 'more than enough' you'll be able to enjoy an emotional banquet.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: The New Moon is a celestial signal that the support you need is on its way. So (you'll be pleased to hear), is the recognition and respect you've been lacking. Which means your confidence is about to grow. Good. Knowing that other people support you will make a big difference to your ability to cope. When you're more self-assured, not only will you be able to view any difficulties from a different standpoint (which will help you reassess your approach). But you'll open the door to someone whose help will be immeasurable.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We all know we're supposed to 'live in the moment'. That there's no time but the present. But the fact that the future is so uncertain seems to encourage us to focus on events that 'might' happen, and to try to plan for all eventualities. Still... this instant in time is all we've got. And our task is to make the most of each moment while it's happening. That's the theory. But is it actually possible? If you're wondering if you can maintain a magical feeling in a special relationship, by taking it one moment at a time, you can!


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: "I see trees of green, red roses too." It's a wonderful song about our wonderful world. When we hear it, we can almost forget our problems, and how much we like to criticise and complain. How is your world looking this New Moon week? Well... depending on your attitude, there will either be lots to moan about. Or lots to enjoy. If you find the right perspective, you'll find unexpected reasons to smile. And the happier you look, the more happiness you'll encourage. Emotionally, your world really can be wonderful.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Miserableness and happiness are more closely linked than we think. Like so many other aspects of our lives, they're two sides of the same coin. And the coin is capable of spinning at any moment. That's why our greatest sadnesses come from our deepest loves. This duality is part of life. Everything has a potential positive and a potential negative. This New Moon week, events in your relationship world will reveal the cause of a recent misunderstanding. This will be closely followed by a way to happily resolve it.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Even the kindest school teacher has to control their class. If one child misbehaves, it disrupts the others... and it doesn't take long before chaos reigns. Which is why, as kids, we're taught to behave. But it's also why we can be fearful of authority. And why we can be too quick to comply with instructions in our relationship world. This week, if your rebellious side wants to make its voice heard, that's OK. There's no need to silence yourself. By sharing your true self (without forcing yourself to be 'good') a relationship will strengthen.