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Your daily horoscope Saturday May 04, 2024

Your daily horoscope Saturday May 04, 2024
Updated: 10 hours ago
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As Jupiter and Uranus separate, other planetary influences become more apparent. Now it's Saturn's turn in the spotlight; its relationship with Pluto faces its first test since their 2020 convergence. But I don't expect this meeting to kickstart similar sorts of problems. This week's New Moon brings the resources to successfully adapt to any challenges. The wisdom gained through past experience helps us to transform any difficulties in ways that inspire us to create a happier and healthier future.

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Your Weekly Horoscope: Yes, it's important to be honest. But that doesn't mean you need to share every thought and innermost desire. There are some facts that are for you to know (and for others to find out). This week brings important information which you're not obliged to divulge. In fact, for now, you should keep it to yourself. The situation you're involved in is changing. When it's time to share what you know, the cosmos will send you a clear sign. In the meantime, discretion is key. Keep your cards close to your chest. When you play them, you'll win!


Your Weekly Horoscope: You're worried that an arrangement which has gone wrong on previous occasions is going to go wrong again. Why can't things run smoothly? Actually, they can! Just because a machine develops an occasional fault doesn't mean the fault will manifest at an inopportune moment; most of the time, it will work perfectly. Yet when a situation has emotional implications it's easy to forget that 'sometimes' doesn't equal 'always'. The New Moon shines positivity into your relationship world. This event will work out in a way that delights you.


Your Weekly Horoscope: Anxiety, according to the experts, is looking ahead and predicting a bad outcome. Surely, if it's that simple we should be able to stop ourselves from stressing! But we find it hard to take situations moment by moment. And when we project our fears and concerns onto whatever's unfolding in our lives the future can look scary. This week, rather than worrying about something that hasn't happened, make space for a stroke of luck to enter your world. You need to be in the mood to embrace the positive change the New Moon brings.


Your Weekly Horoscope: This week, as your ruler, the Moon, almost disappears from the sky, your powers intensify. People will take more notice of your views, and respect them. The issue is that you find it easy to underestimate your ability to influence. You might even feel that you're being overlooked. And that self-doubt could cloud your judgement. So, your task is to stay clear and focused. If you believe in yourself, and stay strong, you'll make brilliant decisions that enable you to turn an idea into a strategy that leads to success.


Your Weekly Horoscope: Shakespeare isn't easy to read. The language, the complex characters, and the storylines make his works hard to access. In one of his plays, he wrote that the story is "full of sound and fury that signifies nothing." Which perfectly sums up what's currently going on in your world. You've been caught up in a drama that was kickstarted by someone with a wrecking agenda. The New Moon brings a lightbulb moment of clarity. Once you've seen the hidden plot, you can use your influence to create a happy, easily understood ending.


Your Weekly Horoscope: We don't tend to deliberately behave badly towards other people. It's much more likely that we're unaware that our actions are being negatively perceived. But, when we're on the end of poor behaviour, it's hard to imagine it's unconscious. We expect people to understand why we don't like what they're doing, and how they're treating us wrong. Meanwhile, they're oblivious to the fact that we're unhappy. This New Moon week is about clear communication. Good. You're excellent at it. You can turn an unhappy situation around.


Your Weekly Horoscope: Great ideas are easy in theory, but more difficult when we put them into practice. You're in the process of dealing with the practical consequences of an ambitious plan. You've got to the hard bit. It's making you wonder why you thought it was a good idea; and how you ever assumed it was doable. It's taking more time and energy than you've got; which means you're making sacrifices. But keep going you must. If you pace yourself this week, you'll be able to manoeuvre around an obstacle. Success is closer than you think.


Your Weekly Horoscope: The New Moon, in your opposite sign, marks the moment when clarity returns to your world. You'll no longer feel confounded by a complicated situation. Within a few days, you'll understand it as well as you've ever understood anything. And you'll also be able to see how the complexities of this journey have enhanced your understanding. A theoretical appreciation of how/why something works isn't as valuable as a genuine respect for the reality of it. When you know, you'll really know. And the insight will be priceless.


Your Weekly Horoscope: We love advising one another and telling other people what they 'should' be doing. We do this even when we're unaware of all the potential possibilities and problems. And some people, who are determined to share their opinion, are most insistent when they're least certain. Be wary of taking unsolicited advice this week. You don't want to give your power away. And you know exactly what to do. The New Moon reinforces your intuitive powers. If you follow them, you'll make excellent choices (without any interference).


Your Weekly Horoscope: Should we let kids do what they like and give them the freedom to take risks? Or do they need to be guided and taught strict boundaries? It's an age-old debate, which we're not going to solve in your prediction! The point is that people can have dramatically different views. This New Moon week, it's not about the strategy you choose to follow, it's the importance of thinking it through. Be guided by your experience. If you're prepared to adapt to an unfolding situation, you'll find that it works out remarkably well.


Your Weekly Horoscope: If you've ever had any building work done, you know that things get messy before anything lovely emerges. And that during that transition period there's lots of work to do. Similarly, in our own lives, we often have to experience moments of chaos and confusion in order to arrive at a new stage of our future. This week's New Moon marks a new phase of your life. If you feel unready for the changes taking up so much of your time, know they're worth finding the energy to deal with. They're leading you to a place you're going to love.


Your Weekly Horoscope: A factor in your world isn't working out as you'd like. Not only is this unsettling, it's stopping you from focusing on the positive aspects of your world. And there are lots. Since it might take time for the 'wrong' thing to resolve, turn your attention away from it. I know that's easier to say than do. But the New Moon will help. It brings a positive development that deserves your full attention and takes your mind off this tricky situation. Which gives it a chance to unfold in its own way. Trust. It will work out much better than you think.