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Your horoscope for the week ahead: 28th August to 3rd September 2023

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Weekly Horoscopes - Debbie Frank
Debbie Frank
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Mars encourages people to step forward you’re on the receiving end of a lot of attention, some of it more desirable than others. As the Blue Supermoon highlights matters that are out of your control it’s not easy to watch someone seize power. However, they really don’t know what to do with it and in days you’ll be back in the driving seat.


Playing host to unruly Uranus in your sign has forced certain issues out into the open and taken you in directions you never thought you would go. Now that the wild child planet is turning retrograde you can expect a change of pace and greater scope for your persistent nature to win through.


Life-changing energies are often made up of incremental moves rather than one big moment and you’re on track to consolidate all that you’ve been working towards. The upcoming Blue Supermoon is a chance to define a long-term plan whilst you titivate all the minor details that Mercury retrograde brings up.


As a Cancerian, you often approach things sideways rather than taking the direct approach and this tactic plays well when many planets are in retrograde and the way forward isn’t clear. Whilst the upcoming Supermoon is bound to tickle your pincers you’re not in a rush to push too fast, too soon.


Having reconnected to those who have been in your rear-view mirror recently, you’re wondering what to do next. You feel you’re at a crossroads and must move forward, yet you don’t want to lose touch with what’s been valuable in the past. Give things time and you’ll recognise who comes with you.


Try as you might to organise things the way you want them to be, others have their own ideas. As the upcoming powerful Full Moon in Pisces sits so close to resolute Saturn it would be foolish to push too hard. Instead, give things time to settle and you’ll find that other ways of dealing with these issues emerge.


You have extra oomph provided by the recent arrival of fiery Mars in your sign, so now is the time to make those long-put-off decisions. You find yourself surprisingly willing to do what you need to do, fight your corner and activate purposeful pathways. So much so, you wonder what on earth took you so long.


A rare Supermoon in your angle of love and creativity shows you exactly what needs to happen in order to activate more of this in your life. Tired of reacting to other people’s agendas? Try recalling all your powerful energy back to yourself and refuse to waste time on anything negative.


Whilst matters close to home seem pressing around the time of this week’s Blue Moonyou’re entering a new phase of connection and collaboration. This offers you the opportunity to stretch out into a whole new range of exciting opportunities going into the Autumn period.


As Mars is energising the most purposeful sector of your skies you’re uplevelling your presence in the world ready for a major shift at the eclipsed New Moon on October 14th. Whilst there are many distractions and minor complications your capacity to keep your eye focused on the main chance is vital.


Your desire to experience life differently is being met by the universe in exciting and appealing ways. Regard the next couple of months as providing you with a life-raft of potential saving graces. All you have to do is be ready to explore them. First up, ensure financial and practical matters are in order. Take off is imminent.


The one and only Full Moon in your sign on 31 August is actually a rare, blue supermoon so hardly a blink-and-you-miss-it event. You’ve been feeling the build-up and are more than ready to release anything you no longer wish to carry. Far from being overwhelmed, you’re in a clear and realistic state of mind.

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