Should you exercise during a detox?

When you're feeling bloated and sluggish, a detox can be a great way to give yourself a healthy boost to kickstart a better diet and fitness routine. However, most of us can often feel motivated during the detox to embrace a healthier lifestyle, and start hitting the gym at the same time.

If you're a naturally very active person, you may need to put some extra planning into your detox in order to make sure you're working out at a safe level and getting the fuel you need.

Nutritionist Ilona Wesle reveals how to stay healthy if you're detoxing and exercising at the same time…

Scroll below for full tips

You can still exercise during a detox but not as intensely as usual

Don't cut out all exercise

Exercise can kickstart the natural detox process as it flushes out the lungs, and cleanses the skin as we work up a sweat. It also increases blood flow promoting better circulation to pump white blood cells through the body and help organs cleanse themselves effectively.

Take it a little easier

Don't overdo it physically if you're detoxing – there's no need and the effects could be counter-productive. If you run a lot, for example, think about switching your morning outing for a brisk 20-30 minute walk.

Avoid high impact exercise

Avoid all-out springs, intense intervals or long training sessions during your detox. Too much impact can be difficult for the digestive system to cope with during this transitional time and can leave you feeling faint.

Make sure to keep your energy levels up with healthy foods including Quinoa and bananas

Pick the right exercises

Exercises that work the core are great for detoxing. Stomach crunches and abdominal twists help your digestive system. Classes like hot yoga complement the natural detox process – it won't put cardiovascular stress on the body but it will accelerate your detox by generating sweat.

Up your energy intake

Whether you're doing a three-day juice cleanse or a month-long vegan detox diet, if you're exercising a lot you should consider making small adjustments to your plan.

Adjust your diet to enhance your detox

Quinoa is worth incorporating into your detox diet as it is rich in fibre but low GI, giving your body a steady supply of energy throughout the day – plus, it's high in protein. Bananas are excellent for combating tiredness, while leafy greens such as spinach are packed full of nutrients to keep energy levels high.

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