Top 5 tips to get rid of unwanted belly fat

On 8 May 2015

Whether you're looking to get toned or simply want to shift some weight from your middle, there are easy ways to get in shape. Personal trainer James Staring shares his top five tips for getting rid of any unwanted belly fat.

You burn more calories after exercise

Keep carbohydrates unprocessed

Avoid carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta – these are absorbed very quickly and can cause an insulin spike followed by a dip in energy. Instead, try whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits as these increase feelings of being full and release sugar into the blood stream at a slower rate.

Only eat carbohydrates after exercising

Your body is more capable of processing them directly after exercise. If you consume excess carbohydrate these are stored for future use, often as body fat, so you're less likely to consume too much after exercising.

Keep exercises full body

The more muscle groups you use, the more calories you will burn both during and after exercising. By doing complex movements such as chin-ups rather than isolation movements such as bicep curls, you use more of your body and therefore require more energy. You also burn more calories after exercise because your body goes from rest to increased metabolic activity, so when you stop your body works to consume more energy, burning calories.

Eat whole grains and legumes and try not to eat carbohydrates only after exercising

Be efficient in your workouts

The most common excuse for not exercising is a lack of time, but if you want to burn fat, you need to work out. Studies have shown that high intensity interval training enables you to achieve the same exercise benefits in less time than slogging countless hours on the treadmill.

Write down what you eat including how you feel two hours later

Busy lifestyles often mean that eating has become a required reflex, not a considered decision. Try to get a sense of what you are consuming and how it is affecting you. Write down what you eat, at the time you eat it, in a dedicated notepad. Be diligent and keep this up for 30 days. When you finish each meal, set an alarm for two hours later and ask yourself how full you feel and how your energy levels are, then record the results.

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