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Weekly horoscope 3 to 9 October 2022

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debbie frank horoscope
Debbie Frank
October 3, 2022
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You're back on-line psychologically as Mercury moves forward again, picking up new ideas and finding a better flow. Your ultimate problem solver is the upcoming Aries Full Moon next Sunday which promises to over-ride all the nonsense and find a way. It's a clincher – possibly a passionate one.


The log jams and slowdown of Mercury’s retrograde have been a minefield but now you find the turnaround and all is getting back on track. Friday's discussions carry extra oomph for cracking the enigma code. This is followed by a Full Moon that clears old emotional and mental clutter.


If it weren’t for the ambivalence inherent in Mercury's reversal you feel you'd be much further forward. Yet you now play catch-up and can see exactly what needs to be said and done instead of venturing down any more cul-de-sacs. A powerful exchange is likely on Friday, that proves both significant and rewarding.


You could well find that patience pays off as others have been going round in circles whilst you've stayed safe in your shell. Now you can have that all-important conversation that opens up a new area of understanding with a significant other in your business or personal life. Allow your emotional intelligence to shine.


Last month's tangles will become history as you move into October with a determination to sort things out. A solution to a financial issue is likely towards the Full Moon on the 9th and you can release many things that have been going round in your mind. In fact you find that the challenge has encouraged you to up your game.


Mercury's reversal through your sign in recent weeks has proved a headache but you get so much relief in October as areas of consternation recede and you find your way forward. In the run-up to next Sunday's Full Moon you'll see that all the moving parts are fitting together better than you anticipated.


The golden aura of Sun and Venus in Libra do a lot to offset other background jangles and you're fixing your sights on establishing something special with another person or taking it to the next level. The Aries Full Moon highlights the give and take of relationships be they business or personal, which have to work both ways.


Nothing is beyond the power of a Scorpio because your perception is the creative force in your life. With this in mind you stand to gain so much from insights that re-model the status quo. Your ruling planet Pluto moves forward next Saturday, followed by a Full Moon that provides completion, closure and inner renewal.


It's never easy for an archer to have to hold back, yet September was a month that frustrated your natural urge to go boldly. The new month of October promises much in the way of release and breakthrough – starting with the fiery Full Moon in Aries next Sunday. Allow it to sweep away any doubts and restore your self-confidence.


You're going to experience a power surge towards the end of the week when others realise that what you've been saying actually makes sense. They wouldn't listen before, but now the time has come to take your ideas on-board and as Pluto moves forward in Capricorn from Saturday the force is with you.


A period of suspended animation has come to an end leaving you free to carve out your pathway. Much rests on travelling light rather than carrying any kind of heavy baggage be it mental, emotional or physical so it would be wise to use the coming week to de-clutter in every way.


As the Sun and Venus are both passing through the sign of fairness you find yourself addressing a situation where you have habitually given in to keep the peace. Not that you want to stage a battle, but you have the means to put across a powerful point of view that will make a strong impact.

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