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Your weekly horoscope revealed for 26 September to 2 October 2022

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red debbie frank weekly horoscope
Debbie Frank
September 26, 2022
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You enter the week in an upbeat frame of mind as the uplift of Jupiter in Aries provides a 'lucky star' energy. In addition something that has been adrift is beginning to come together in a very powerful way. True, Mercury remains in back-track mode until next Sunday, so expect twists and turns but you're getting there.


Once you might have adopted a 'heads down' approach to challenges coming your way, but you're discovering that the whole experience can be made much easier when you're positive. As you convince both yourself and others that you're moving towards a much-desired resolution, the issues you're dealing with almost resolve themselves!


Nothing must be allowed to dismantle what amounts to your vision of a great collaboration. Of course, you can't control the outcome, but by talking to those concerned you’re paving the way for others to believe in you as much as the idea itself. If Mercury retrograde presents any knots, untangle them one by one.


Feeling better in yourself is being mirrored in the externals of your life. As you approach the Autumn period with a measure of confidence you’re finding projects and ideas are taking on a richer hue. This is fascinating and has the potential to re-shape your future so that you can step into a new era.


Developments are starting to look very interesting and spark your Leo creativity. Perhaps the details are yet to be settled as Mercury only completes its retrograde cycle next Sunday. No matter, the bigger picture is enough to elevate you to a place of counting your blessings. This feels good!


As a Virgo you can fixate on matters that other people consider irrelevant. As Mercury and Venus unite in your sign on Monday it’s vital that you turn your attention from areas that promote fretting to those that promise you greater fulfilment. Truly, this is a time when you can turn things around.


Sunday's New Moon in Libra began a new cycle that picks up momentum in the coming days. A rush of positivity accompanies what you’re trying to get off the ground so that you experience it as an idea whose time has come. Venus, the gorgeous goddess of love swishes into your sign on Thursday. Arms open.


An air of anticipation promises a breakthrough over the Autumn period so you really do have a lot to look forward to. For the moment you need to take things one step at a time but really you are making all the right moves and behind the scenes everything is being re-configured for you.


Compared to what's been in the doldrums in recent weeks or months, this is one glorious week. Perhaps not a miracle, nonetheless something that appeals to your sense of adventure. What’s important is that you’re catching the right people at the right time. They have the power to move things forward.


If you've been quietly keeping calm and carrying on you will most certainly reap the rewards this week. Decisions are made, promises kept and overall you can chart a course towards your desired outcome. Perhaps you wonder whether it was your steely determination or the hand of fate. It's both.


Whenever you question whether you're doing the right thing, it’s important to remember that the experience can be even more valuable than the result. All the wisdom you've accumulated can now be channelled into your next project which promises to be something that will make a real difference to your life.


What can only be described as a happy event is bound to lift your mood and spirits. It enables you to put things in perspective and focus on what really matters. Remain open to what someone is sharing with you as their words and intentions have the power to make you think the relationship in a positive way.

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