Michelle and Barack Obama show off comedy skills in playful sketch for Let's Move campaign

On 25 February 2015

Barack and Michelle Obama once again showed that they can laugh at themselves with a funny video celebrating the fifth anniversary of her Let's Move campaign, encouraging health and fitness.

In the clip the First Lady starts talking to the camera about the programme when her husband blunders in apparently clueless about the presentation and looking for his blue tie. Playing the part of the hopeless male, he asks: "What's going on here?"


© Photo: Getty Images

Michelle Obama launched the video for the fifth anniversary of her Let's Move campaign

Michelle tells him that it's an important anniversary – at which the President pretends to look terrified, clearly thinking he's forgotten a milestone in their relationship. The mother-of-two takes pity on him and explains that she has launched #GimmeFive, a call to action asking people to think of five ways to be healthy that they can incorporated into their daily routine.

The camera cuts away to show Barack jogging on to stage to give a speech and picking up babies, in a gag that suggests that's how politicians keep fit.

© Photo: Getty Images

The campaign encourages families to find fun ways to stay fit and healthy

Finally, the sketch ends with Michelle shaking her head in despair and points to his tie on the ground. Her husband drops to pick it up and decides to do some press ups.

Despite their serious roles, the Obamas enjoy larking about for the cameras. When Barack appeared on Ellen DeGeneres chat show recently he jokingly accused his hostess of pulling cheap stunt by serving celebrities pizza like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie at the 2014 Oscars.

When his wife appeared on the show on another occasion she was persuaded by Ellen to join her in a press ups challenge. Michelle won by managing 25. The First Lady often hula hoops and takes part in races to encourage youngsters to get fit.