Martha Stewart shared some happy family news with fans this week after revealing she has welcomed a "wonderful addition" to her household.
The 83-year-old took to social media to share an adorable photo of the Persian rescue cat she adopted from the animal adoption center and community cat and kitten therapy facility, Rock N' Rescue.
"Meet Magnolia, a beautiful four-year-old silver-shaded Persian cat and the newest member of my family," Martha wrote on Instagram.
"I recently adopted her through @rocknrescue_ a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Bedford Hills, New York. Please consider adoption when looking for a pet and learn more about Magnolia on today’s @marthastewartblog."
Sharing more information on her blog, Martha penned: "Last month, I heard about a young female Persian cat in need of adoption. She was under the care of Rock 'N Rescue, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Bedford Hills, New York, not far from my farm.
"I love Persians and have been thinking of adding another to my family. I made an appointment to visit right away, and that same afternoon I took her with me back to Cantitoe Corners - her new "forever" home."
Martha revealed that she renamed the cat Magnolia because "she is a most lovely silver-shaded Persian with beautiful golden-copper eyes and a friendly disposition".
Sharing how Magnolia is adjusting to her new home, Martha added: "Right now, Magnolia is still going through a transitional phase – getting to know me and all the activity around my home, but she's doing extremely well and will be a wonderful addition to my menagerie and my family. Welcome home, Magnolia."
Magnolia joins Martha's five dogs, Chow Chows Empress Qin and Emperor Han, and French Bulldogs, Crème Brûlée, Bête Noire, and Luna Moona, and her kittens Cinco and Mayo.
Martha's adoption news comes after she received rave reviews for her Netflix documentary, Martha, which chronicles the highs and lows of the household name's incredible life – from working as a stockbroker to becoming America's first self-made female billionaire, to her subsequent downfall and prison term.
Fans were full of praise for the documentary, with one calling it "wild," while others admitted they were "inspired" by Martha's stories of rebranding after a major life upheaval.
Martha, the founder of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, was a hugely successful businesswoman, TV personality, and writer before serving five months in prison for fraud in relation to the ImClone stock trading case, which viewers of the documentary labeled a "witch hunt" on social media.
Martha was found guilty of conspiracy to obstruct, obstruction of an agency proceeding, and making false statements to federal investigators. Among the witnesses was one of her best friends, who testified against her during the court case.
In the documentary, Martha shared her perspective on her conviction. After recounting the jury's verdict of guilty, she said: "The New York Post lady was there just looking so smug. She had written horrible things during the entire trial. She's dead now, thank goodness."