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Your weekly horoscope revealed for 15 to 21 November

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debbie frank weekly horoscope
Debbie Frank
November 15, 2021
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Astrologer to the stars Debbie Frank has shared her weekly horoscopes with HELLO! Online readers. Find out what the stars have in store for you below...


Forthright Mars at odds with game-changer Uranus, together with Friday's eclipsed Full Moon adds up to a volatile energy. Stay on your toes, ready to act at a moment's notice. Be the power base that recognises how to play every move.


As you enter a very significant 18-month cycle, your engagement with others is taking on new importance. Eyes wide open for the wake-up call on Wednesday when Mars tussles with Uranus in your sign. Then the all-important eclipsed Full Moon in Taurus which defines how you’re going to take things forward.


There is an end of an era feeling as you wish to turn your attention away from juggling so many balls. Recognising that you don't have to keep the past alive is another huge moment this week and as you step away it's with an enormous sigh of relief. Your time and energy are being freed up for a late flourish this year.


Despite a swirl of surprise moves and events you're able to hold yourself steady in the midst of it all. Friday's eclipsed Full Moon highlights who and what lights you up. Making these people and activities a top priority allows the inconsequential things to fade into the background. Revolve around the heart.


Intense aspects this week firm up where you're going in life and what matters most. Don't be surprised if some things drop away leaving you with a clearer idea of who and what are truly on your fate and destiny list. Sometimes things are removed because they drained your light. Switch it on again.


The variables in life are a constant source of fascination for you. However, playing around with them can become a substitute for decision making. This week's decisive aspects ask you to make some clear choices with no room for what if's. You'll feel so much more positive knowing the answers.


Eclipse season which takes us through to 4 December introduces a new emphasis. Your financial situation, emotional connections and sense of self-worth are getting a re-set. All you have to do is remain open to changing what isn't working. For once, you are decisive and crystal clear and it shows.


Fundamentally you're absolutely ready and up for a change of direction which includes being open to collaborating and connecting with a significant other. A blinding flash of insight is likely this week which enables you to see exactly what your next move should be.


Although you are waiting in the wings for Sagittarius season to begin, this week's quick changes are preparing the scene for you to put together the finishing touches to 2021. You've got a starring role to play before this year is out and finding solutions to what seems inconvenient or challenging is your forte.


The Sun's beautiful alignment with Pluto in your sign ensures that you remain top of the pile even when all the cards are falling. The craziness of this week is hardly business as usual, but some changes have been a long time coming. Remain poised and be the calm in the eye of the storm.


If certain people are giving you the run-around or changing things at short notice it might be that they are triggered by upheavals that are turfing them out of their comfort zone. Not everyone travels as lightly through life as an Aquarian. You can thank your lucky stars that you have such a capacity to distance yourself from drama.


You might get the jitters over some plans that are in the pipe-line. Yet before you ditch everything, take a look at whether you can salvage some of the scenario. True, anything over-extended might need to be reined in. But isn’t that a good thing? You can turn a new vista into a wonderful solution.

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