Hearts around the world have melted with the arrival of Chiwetel Ejiofer into the Bridget Jones universe as Mr Wallaker, a teacher at Bridget's children's school who doubles up as one of her main love interests alongside Leo Woodall, who plays the much younger man Roxster.
But how much do we know how Chiwetel's romances in real life? Find out everything to know…
Although Chitiwel has kept his relationships, including romances with Skyfall star Naomie Harris, actress Sari Mercer and model Frances Aaternir, very private over the years, he has spoken a little about his romance with Sacha Bertagnon, who he has dated since 2021.
According to social media, Sacha is the owner of Le Wag, a dog and cat groomers based in London. In an interview with The Guardian, Chitiwel described Sacha as the greatest love of his life, added that love feels "as vital as breathing". So romantic!
Although the actor, who has also starred in Love Actually and 12 Years a Slave, keeps his personal life to himself, he was recently spotted on a trip to New York City with his partner and a baby girl, sparking reports that the pair had welcomed a daughter together.
Sacha also shared several snaps on her Instagram of the little girl, writing: "Exploring the world with my mini me gives me the best feeling ever. It keeps me so [grounded] and makes me appreciate all the little things to another new level I had forgotten about."
Chitiwel appears to have remained close to his ex Naomie, who he reportedly dated in the early Noughties. Praising his skills for a GQ profile back in 2023, she said: "What makes Chiwetel such a great actor is his razor-sharp intellect and the tremendous hard work and preparation he always puts in.
"No one is ever better prepared or has greater insight into their character and the project than him."
Bridget Jones: Mad about the Boy will be in cinemas from 14 February 2025