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Your weekly horoscope revealed for 12 to 18 October

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debbie frank horoscope
Debbie Frank
October 12, 2020
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Astrologer to the stars Debbie Frank has shared her weekly horoscopes with HELLO! Online readers. Find out what the stars have in store for you below...


Initially you may find this week to be one of your more daunting challenges, yet as it progresses and Mercury turns retrograde you experience the upending of the status quo as a creative process. One that offers up many possibilities, rather than one straight forward solution.


The lines of communication may blur as Mercury pivots in Scorpio, your opposite number, producing more questions than answers. Whilst there seems to be no such thing as a done deal at a time like this, you are being given more time to re-think your position which can only be a good thing.


You find yourself having to double check absolutely everything when your ruling planet Mercury turns retrograde, interrupting the smooth flow of communication and arrangements. It's frustrating, however, Friday's New Moon opens a window to a breath of fresh air which delights your playful spirit.


Jupiter and Neptune give you a green light that offers you the reassurance you've been seeking in a while, that someone is there for you, will stand by you, that you are being looked after. It's heart- warming but it doesn't make you immune from the minor hazards of Mercury retrograde that begin mid-week, putting some plans in a spin cycle.


You've been heavily involved in overseeing the daily details of your life in 2020. So much so, you rather fear you've lost your Leo love of life and creative spark. However, it seems you have something that adds a little magic early in the week. Just enough to soften the edges. It's a sign that you can and will be restored to your full glory.


When your ruling planet Mercury starts back-flipping through the heavens mid-week it is not the Cirque du Soleil, but an irritating series of hitches that threaten to unravel your best laid plans. Just let go of the urge to control and instead focus on what you want to seed at this time. It is a magnificent time for planting at Friday's New Moon – Spring bulbs or Spring projects?


Welcome additions to your personal or family life lift you up early in the week and Friday's New Moon in your own sign is another signal of better times to come. Yet Mars is still reversing through the partnership angle of your chart forming cross-currents to other planets that create tension here and there. Staying balanced is essential.


Your message is well received early in the week, yet Mercury is about to turn retrograde in your sign on Wednesday – inclining you to zip it. However much in demand you are, you would prefer some time to yourself as the New Moon lights a candle in the spiritual sanctuary zone of your chart. Your inner realm is where peace lies.


Financially this whole year has been a roller-coaster and yet there's hope on the horizon and signs of change to come. As Mercury pivots backwards midweek you should think twice before blurting out anything that may come back to bite you. It might be best to do and say as little as possible, which is totally counter-intuitive for you!


A boost is exactly what you need and its seems the universe will not disappoint you early in the week when generous Jupiter in your sign aligns with Neptune, planet of special effect. Of course you've been struggling with all the things that are the hallmarks of 2020. But this won't go on forever. Look – that mountain peak is in sight!


You are one of the signs that most appreciates the fact that things can turn on a dime. So when Mercury begins his maverick retrograde motion midweek you're already on red alert scanning for mistakes and changes. Whilst mayhem is part of this cycle, you're also being given a welcome opportunity to re-think what you're doing.


Jupiter and Neptune form a healing link on Monday 12th that feeds directly into your romantic, soulful nature. There are plenty of mundane distractions and issues that require you to be sensible, but you have to keep your spirits up too. Fortunately, someone close to you feels the same way.

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