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Weekly horoscope: 1 to 7 August 2022

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debbie frank horoscope
Debbie Frank
August 1, 2022
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Astrologer to the stars Debbie Frank has shared her weekly horoscopes with HELLO! Online readers. Find out what the stars have in store for you below...


For some time you've wanted to cast aside restrictive elements of the past. Yet now events are producing the kinds of changes you desire. You are literally first up out of the starting blocks, leaving others scratching their heads in bewilderment. If anyone can make a go of the disruption, it's you.


You are the person who 'holds space' for others. Meaning, you maintain the status quo and allow people to come in and out of it. However, it's clear that you can't be expected to always be the one carrying the can. It's time to off-load certain obligations and the quicker the better.


Having tried to get things off the ground for so long you now find yourself in a breakthrough time. Of course, there are still some snags associated with the practicalities but all-in-all you're pleased to see that at long last the bigger picture is a new one that holds interesting possibilities.


Perhaps you have questions regarding your place in a group, team or even a social setting. Yet you have to admit your clan has been shrinking and you've felt the need to meet new people for a while. This is not about 'group think' but introducing some fresh input which is long overdue.


As things are moving swiftly at the beginning of the week, you're inclined to surf the wave of rapid change and just see where it takes you. Between now and the Full Moon on the 12th you'll need to assess what needs to go or stay, but for now you're happy experiencing the new energy as it unfolds.


Orchestrating a new vision of where you're going seems like an enormous undertaking. Yet the small tweaks you've been making haven't delivered what you'd hoped. Therefore you need to go bigger and better. Re-positioning yourself at the forefront of something new. As Mercury the think tank planet enters Virgo on Thursday you'll enjoy the strategy.


It's possible you hadn't realised just how dissatisfied certain people were with an existing arrangement which appears to be falling around your ears. Focusing on the positives can often exclude discussion of real concerns. However, now your eyes are open you can put your negotiating skills to good use.


There are shake-ups afoot but these changes are exciting. It seems you're poised to enter a new dimension of experience that offers a great deal of reward and stimulation. Therefore it's best to gear up to move on and to put your transformation skills into creating something of meaning and value.


Whilst other signs may feel unsettled by the huge number of unknown quantities currently circling, you're prepared to plunge right in. Put it down to your enthusiastic nature and desire to make a go of things. In fact, the sooner you can get a handle on the new normal the better.


Capricorns are normally cautious creatures, yet you are more inclined to throw this to the wind at the moment. It's not that you've taken leave of your senses. More that you don't want to miss out on what promises to be a new lease of life. There will be plenty of time to organise things later on. For now, follow your gut instincts.


If you were to allow other people to make decisions for you it could either feel blissfully liberating or limiting, depending on how well they know you. However, you have to admit you've been struggling with certain issues and it would be good to know what they think. At the very least ask their opinion.


Even if certain people are dropping truth bombs it's well to remember that it's only their perception and not the total story. As a Pisces you are naturally attuned to all the grey areas and mysterious ingredients that make up the whole picture. In which case you could point out that people's take on life may vary!

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