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Your weekly horoscope revealed for 25 to 31 July

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debbie frank weekly horoscope
Debbie Frank
July 25, 2022
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Astrologer to the stars Debbie Frank has shared her weekly horoscopes with HELLO! Online readers. Find out what the stars have in store for you below...


A significant amount of stellar activity is boosting your self-confidence and joie de vivre so you feel you can move mountains. Which is just as well, considering someone is being less than helpful in this regard. Don't spend time with the naysayers – be the change you're looking for.


Your capacity to speak out and take the bull by the horns is magnified this week as Mars adds bravado and a can-do attitude into your usually measured pace. Besides this fresh start has been a long time in the making. The time is now right to make it happen.


There are so many moving parts busily whirring around you that all you have to do is stay centred in the middle. Easier said than done as it's so tempting to try to orchestrate it all. However, allowing others to do their bit and draw their own conclusions could be a revelation in itself.


If you are beginning to feel taken for granted this could be the moment to explore what makes up your own currency and the value placed on it by yourself and others. A chance interaction could trigger a number of developments if you are open to the new.


A New Moon in your own sign is the start of putting Leo on the loudspeaker and blasting yourself out into the world! Think about how you want to position yourself alongside your own priorities and goals. Your vote counts and there is no time to lose…


Whilst celestial activity creates provocation try not to over-react to situations that are out of your control. Retreat instead to your own inner world which is the only place of power and re-group. Do not hesitate to drop the source of your irritation in favour of your inner peace.


It's a moment to assess where you belong and find like minds and where you need to opt out. A New Moon in the people angle of your chart suggests movement in a group and new doors opening so there's little point in maintaining the status quo for the sake of it.


This really is a time to rise and shine as the New Moon opens up an opportunity to showcase your talents. Besides, you've been feeling restless for a while and are hardly in the mood to put up and shut up. Making a surprising move adds that extra excitement.


As your ruling planet Jupiter is taking things to the next level, you're running to catch up with a series of rapidly changing situations. Nothing that the archer can't handle, although there are some awkward sudden turns. Keep your eyes fixed on your vision of the future.


It's not that things are getting complicated per se. More that you're exploring some of the deeper issues in life which go underneath your armour and expose a certain vulnerability. Whether this is about intimacy, sharing or financial issues and the end game is create a level of trust.


You can't remain as an independent when so much activity is going on in the relationship angle of your chart. People want your opinion even though your approaches may differ. It's not so much who wins, but how both of you can steer towards a new direction together.


Very often you've floated along allowing things to work out by themselves. However a more hands on approach is called for now which propels you into forensic examination of the details of your schedule, the logistics, the practicalities. If things aren't working, say so.

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