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Weekly horoscope: 19th December to 25th December 2022

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red debbie frank weekly horoscope
Debbie Frank
December 19, 2022
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Planets are all beaming overhead during Christmas week and particularly for you rams who receive generous Jupiter back into your sign from the 20th – what’s not to like? Winter Solstice and a New Moon complete the feeling of a turn for the better. Not perfect maybe, but a definite step in the right direction.


If you turn down the volume on the outside world you might hear an angel whispering a message in your ear that 2023 will lift your spirits. Hold onto that thought. Meanwhile a New Moon ignites seed plans for fresh ventures and there’s a sprinkling of magic in the stars on Christmas Day.


If you've been feeling slightly isolated care of Mars reversing through your sign the arrival of upbeat Jupiter into the people angle of your chart from Tuesday will get you back into contact and connection mode. Plant seeds of hope for your financial fortunes at New Moon on the 23rd – intend for things to be better.


The people who care about you will make their presence felt even more strongly with the arrival of the Sun and New Moon in the relationship angle of your chart this week. Besides, everyone knows what a good job you’re doing and you’re collecting bonus points that make you feel appreciated.


If you have that far-away look in your eyes it's because you’re dreaming of the adventures and discoveries you’re thinking of having next year. New vistas are opening up to expand your field of what's possible whether in terms of distance or stimulation. The tasks in hand are leading you forward.


If you wondered if you were the one doing all the giving you could be pleasantly surprised by the arrival of generous Jupiter into the collaboration area of your skies. There are stirrings of something mutually beneficial either personally or financially. If you catch yourself closing down, open up!


Greater warmth is coming into your life as Jupiter lights up Aries and you get yourself on the same frequency as those who are really good for you. At New Moon on the 23rd it’s important to think of pressing a personal re-set button and giving yourself permission to be the person you really want to be.


It feels as if you’re going to be flavour of the coming months as people invite you into environments that bring out the best in you. Opportunities are coming up so be available to connect and collaborate. Friday's New Moon is a source of bright ideas that continue to sparkle through Christmas and beyond.


There’s a great deal of positive energy around this week so you really can put yourself out there in the optimistic spirit of the archer and see it boomerang back to you. It's been a tricky year and even more reason to celebrate the way you continue to see your glass as half fill with the potential to spill over.


Capricorns usually play the long game and even if it’s been a struggle this year you should find that the start of Capricorn season followed by the re-birth energy of a New Moon in your sign is a big ray of sunshine. These uplifting stars are nothing short of a miracle at Christmas!


Your thoughts are already turning to 2023 and the fresh initiatives you hope to activate. This is one of the most inspiring weeks of the year for channelling ideas and experiencing positive interactions. However, don’t be in a hurry to make the big reveal – that will come later next year.


The bigger picture aspects of your festive period are all about friendship and feeling confident in yourself. No matter what has transpired in 2022, you've been working on your self-belief and now is the moment to ready yourself for a re-launch into the world next year. It's all good.

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