Brendan Cole reveals which judge he agrees with, and why Joe Sugg didn't impress him during Movie Week

It was interesting watching everyone get into character

brendan cole column movie week
On 7 October 2018

Hi everyone. What did you all think of Movie Week on Strictly Come Dancing? I found myself agreeing mainly with Craig more than anyone else when it came to the judges' opinions. While there were some outstanding dances last night, not everyone impressed me. I didn’t think Joe Sugg's dance was great. His posture was lacking with his bum sticking out throughout most of it and it just didn’t say to me 'what a fantastic number'. I get that High School Musical will appeal to his demographic, he is a very good dancer and can do it, but there just wasn’t enough technique in it to make it a good number. On the surface it looked good, but technically it was so far off. I can't say I was overwhelmed by AJ and Lauren's dance either. It didn’t quite have it in terms of the action and the concept, it was a bit average. There was nothing really Fame about it. The look was, but the choreography and steps were not.

Joe Sugg is a great dancer, but there was no technique this week

There were two couples who really stood out to me this week, and that’s Sean and Katya and Graeme and Oti. They really did fantastic numbers last night and really should have been higher up on the score board. Everyone starts at a different level on the show, and it's all about how they take it from there. Those two have shown such improvement, and it will be interesting to see where they go next week when there isn’t a theme and it's back to normal, let's see if they can continue with the wow factor they showed this week. It's definitely easier when you are hiding behind a mask and a character, it transforms you as Kate Silverton mentioned with her long wig. Trying to put emotion into someone on the dance floor is one of the most difficult things to master, but put a mask on them and they will do it. It's an interesting dynamic.

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Katya Jones' and Seann Walsh's choreography was amazing to watch

I was chuffed that Danny and Amy danced to The Greatest Showman, I'm using it as the opening number in my tour, Show Man, next year, so at least people will now get a feeling for it – shameless plug! For me, it seemed a bit too stiff. His dancing is very placed to within an inch of its life so he is very wooden, but he also has a good presence about him on the dance floor. I want to strip away everything he knows and start him again as he would be amazing. He's a very good dancer and he can do it.

I loved Graeme and Oti's dance

Faye and Giovanni's dance to Grease was definitely good, but it wasn’t necessary the best of the night. It was possibly a bit more copied than you would perhaps want to see. But their look was great – and if you can emulate it like they did then that is always good. Ashley and Pasha did another great job too, we are going to see week upon week her doing very great numbers. I was also impressed with Kevin and Stacey. It was a very good jive, and she matched him perfectly. The concept really worked as a movie week theme so well done to both of them.

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It was good to see The Greatest Showman included last night

I wanted to see Dr Ranj and Janette fly when they were doing his quickstep - it was so small and timid. It's a ballroom dance and you have to fly and move, and your strides on occasion should probably be about one and a half times your normal step size, but they were smaller than a normal step. However, it was a lovely concept and Janette looked fantastic – they both did. They need to come out and fly around the floor and surprise. I like them and my daughter loves watching them, so I want to see what they are really capable of.

Dr Ranj and Janette need to fly around the floor

Katie Piper isn’t freaking out like she did in the first week which is great. The dance was a pretty number, and everyone knows La La Land. It was one of the opening songs we danced to last year on Strictly and it was one of my favourite things to do last year, so as soon as she came out I thought 'aww', it had a really pretty feel to it, everything from the dance to the lighting. She danced it well for her too I thought.

All in all, I thought it was another great week, and I look forward to watching it again and seeing how each couple evolves following Movie Week.