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Your weekly horoscope revealed for 15th May to 21st 2023

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Weekly Horoscopes - Debbie Frank
Debbie Frank
May 15, 2023
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As an Aries you're used to dealing with challenges and possess the fire power to rise to them at every opportunity. However, as generous Jupiter is changing signs this week and in cahoots with both Mars and Pluto you could well find that this is a serendipitous moment rather than a struggle.


On Tuesday Jupiter sashays into your sign accompanied by a fanfare of celestial trumpets as this is the start of a 12 month cycle of growth. Tap into the potential of the New Moon when a rare line-up of 5 out of 10 celestial bodies in your own sign kick-start the process of uplevelling areas of your life that could do with some positive input.


Mercury is moving forward again, enabling you to process what's been laid out or strung out over the last few weeks. This is a time for gathering all forces for good in your life and aligning with synchronicity and all that is meant to be. As Jupiter plays a guardian angel role over the next 12 months you are being helped by unseen forces.


Over the last several weeks whilst Mercury has been retrograding in the people zone of your chart you've been subject to the vagaries of human nature. Now the Mercury is back on track and you’re getting a panoply of positive celestial activity here you'll be amazed at what comes together. Right place, right time.


This is most definitely a week for pulling out all the stops and showcasing your talents to the max. If you've found people have been dithering it's time to move forward with your grand plans for the future. Besides, the action planet Mars is arriving in Leo on Saturday for a seven week stay. The power is with you.


If you've been playing small, immersed in the details rather than the bigger picture then the universe is urging you to look up and beyond. You're being called to do more, go further, think bigger and expand beyond the confines of what has been on a loop. All it takes is a change in awareness and perception.


The intensity of the cosmic picture may not feel fair or balanced. More a climate of polar opposites – yet you are being invited to express yourself in ways that will enable you to experience exponential growth. Of course, it may feel as if it's a bridge too far. Only you can decide to take that step or a big leap. Is it time?


A build-up of planets in your 7th house of relationships is the reception area for huge developments in relationships both business and personal. You should see some breakthrough this week and as Jupiter will remain here for the next 12 months you're entering a long cycle for a vibrational match which equals mutual growth.


Leaving the past behind and galloping towards a new horizon is exactly what the centaur enjoys. If you’ve been wrestling with a number of issues that have tied you up in knots now is the time to look at things from a blue-sky perspective. Even a small step in the right direction can have an immediate impact.


Life can be a serious business for the responsibly minded Capricorn. However the celestial line-up this week emphasises joy, playfulness and creative living. Make way for the burdens to shift and to immerse yourself more fully in those activities and people that are capable of forming a happy place.


Pluto's occupation of your sign has made you aware of a deeper level of needs, wants and desires. As you are highly connected to the greater good, you often sublimate your inner needs so that an outer balance is maintained. However, this is a week where you’re being called to step out of detachment and up to the plate.


Plans and arrangements are receiving a huge boost this week and you'll find that far from feeling vague and ambivalent you're right behind a certain course of action. This means that the universe can support you by opening up a pathway ahead. Keep all lines of communication open and get ready for the green lights.

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