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Your weekly horoscope revealed for 4 to 10 October

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debbie frank horoscope
Debbie Frank
October 4, 2021
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Astrologer to the stars Debbie Frank has shared her weekly horoscopes with HELLO! Online readers. Find out what the stars have in store for you below...


You are an ever onward and upwards kind of person. Yet the planetary set-up is reminding you that there are useful lessons to be learned from the past. Someone might even re-emerge to deliver this message and prove useful when it comes to resolving a business or emotional connection.


It's unlike a Taurean to let things slide, but like everyone else you still have your blind-spots or things that go on the back-burner. The interesting thing about Mercury retrograde is that it alters your perception of time. Past, present and future alter places and spaces so that you can prioritize differently.


You are literally drawn to the light, bright happy places this week and are turning away from anything or anyone that drains your energy. You can't be fodder for the vampires! Seriously, making choices to be around those who share your golden frequency makes all the difference.


Don't be afraid to overturn choices that you made a while back or move towards Plan B. Mercury retrograde is about making those vital adjustments! If people can't understand where you're coming from, remind them that you've taken your lead from them for far too long and are making your own decisions.


If the ins and outs of various projects are not fitting together perfectly put it down to Mercury retrograde which is encouraging you to think outside of the box. Wednesday's New Moon should bring in new information and different angles. Meanwhile allow things to unfold in their own time.


You are on shifting sands regarding a financial matter that has been mired in controversy or changing goalposts and deadlines. Stay centred and remove yourself from the need to control the outcome. You only need the very lightest of touches. Acting with grace lessens all tension.


Intriguing aspects place you at a crossroads where the past meets the future. This is your time to re-evaluate where you want to go and with whom. You can choose to change direction, re-think and re-connect with yourself and others. The Libra New Moon on Wednesday offers a fresh perspective.


You really can't move forward until you clear up elements of your past. This is not necessarily about physical clutter, but emotional debris! What's left hanging in your emotional history. Where you feel stuck and entangled and find it hard to let go. The New Moon is a catalyst for healing and moving on.


People are changing their minds, arrangements are switching on and off – so you need to go with the flow rather than expecting a plan to be fulfilled. Adaptability is one of your strengths as is making the best of whatever arises. So you have much to gain from any changes.


You should receive some additional signposts as to your future direction this week. The New Moon catalyses new options that cause you to re-think your position. As Pluto moves forward in Capricorn from Wednesday, it's time to power up and be the high flier you were born to be.


New opportunities are appearing on your horizon tantalising you with possibilities that could take you away from original plans. Is this a bad thing? Weren't you always the one who steered away from the status quo in order to live life differently? Here's your chance to do it again.


Take a look at what's being presented this week and view it in terms of the amount of give and take involved. Activity in the sign of Libra, sign of fairness, flags up just how often you've adapted to other people's requirements at your own expense. How about being fair to yourself going forward?

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