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Your weekly horoscope revealed for 11 to 17 October

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debbie frank horoscope
Debbie Frank
October 11, 2021
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Astrologer to the stars Debbie Frank has shared her weekly horoscopes with HELLO! Online readers. Find out what the stars have in store for you below...


Sometimes it's important to simply choose to be happy. Knowing that you can activate the feel-good-factor from within rather than waiting for it to occur via the outside world or other people transforms your life. With the Full Moon coming up in your sign next week, attitude is everything.


At last someone is willing to collaborate rather than try to compete with you. This could make all the difference to the success of a future project and generally help to oil the wheels of what you're doing. You should work towards a great result occurring in just over a month's time.


As the sign of the twins you are easily able to spot the upsides and downsides in any situation. Therefore take any awkward moments in your stride and work on establishing positive connections. One more week of Mercury retrograde will flush out everything you need to know.


It seems someone is more amenable to your wishes now, having stalled you for as long as possible. Work this whilst you've got it and lay the groundwork for a much-desired breakthrough around the upcoming Full Moon on October 20th.


A solution to a problem is becoming available which changes the way you see your future panning out. It's not a magic wand, but confirmation that what you saw as the right option is beginning to dawn on other people too. Resist the urge to point out they were behind the curve.


Despite the fact that Mercury remains in retrograde you're sensing that some of your boxes are going to get ticked this week. All well and good. Yet the planets reflect a perpetually changing energy field and you find as soon as you get one thing done, another challenge emerges.


Is this the calm before the storm? Your pathway seems easier to navigate this week instilling a sense of peace and contentment. Yet the upcoming Aries Full Moon is triggering many issues that you've chosen to side-line. Sooner or later you need to address them.


Getting your ducks in a row is becoming easier as you're starting to see results from your efforts. You may not have the answers to everything yet, but you sense you're more than a match for any challenges ahead and are able to draw on a considerable level of support too.


As Venus in Sagittarius canoodles with Saturn this week you're increasingly drawn to those people who promote a feeling of security rather than fireworks. It's not like you to go for the safe option, but you've learnt to appreciate the relationships that stand the test of time.


A relationship is clicking into place and looking good and solid. Yet the Sun's imminent clash with Pluto in your sign is bound to ruffle a few feathers. You've been here before, but perhaps you should let someone know that you've learned a thing or two about what really matters and what doesn't?


Saturn's turnaround in your sign is a welcome relief from the uphill battles you've been facing. In fact, things are set to get a whole lot easier and besides, you have your tribe around you to spread the load. Friday's spotlight on generous Jupiter is an unexpected delight.


A plan is starting to come together even though the finer points have still to be decided. No matter. You've got something to look forward to which steers a path away from the past. All you need to do is make the necessary financial calculations.

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